The funeral

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This is starting after you dealt with stuff at the hospital. 

At the hospital I had to make a lot of hard decisions. I just wish my dad could have been there and sober to help me. I was pulled out of my thoughts to hear someone honking at me. I looked and saw the light was green and someone giving me a dirty look while passing me on the road. I gave him the same bitchy face and flipped him off. Today was not the day to mess with me. I was on the way to pick up my dad for moms funeral. That's right the funeral is today. I was out buying a new dress for today. It was a simple nice black dress/suit. Mom would have liked it. 

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Once I got home I pulled in the driveway and honked for my dad to come out

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Once I got home I pulled in the driveway and honked for my dad to come out. 5 minutes passed and my dad still hasn't come out to I decide to go inside and get him. I got out of the car and walked in the house and didn't see him. I walked upstairs to go ahead and put my dress on when I heard him snoring. 'Are you serious?' I thought. I peeked through his door to see him dead asleep in his nasty clothes he's been wearing for a week. I walked in his room to try and wake him up. After 10 minutes of trying to wake him up he finally opened his eyes. "Ugh. Y/n? What are you waking me up for?" He did not  like it when I woke him up. "Dad you need to get ready for moms funeral. We're gonna be late." "I don't give a shit just let me sleep. God y/n." He said closing his eyes and going back to sleep. He was obviously drunk again. Ever since moms death he hasn't really stopped drinking. Whatever. I don't want him to ruin moms funeral just because he's drunk. I walked out of his room and into mine to get changed. I got my dress on, freshened up my makeup, and fixed my hair up. I walked downstairs to grab my purse then I was out the door. 

Once I got to the funeral home and got out of the car b/f/n ran up to me in tears and hugged me. "Oh my god y/n i'm so sorry." She cried into my shoulder. She was like my sister. Her mom left when she was really little and my mom was like a mom to her. I squeezed her tight and gave her a huge hug trying to hold back my tears. When we let go I could tell she'd been crying by her red puffy eyes. "It's ok to cry you know. I'm here for you." She said looking into my teary eyes. "I know. But I at least thought I shouldn't cry while I was driving." I said trying to cheer her up slightly. "Stop that y/n." "Stop what?" "Stop trying to cheer me up. I'm not letting you fake your emotions. You shouldn't have to try and keep everyone else happy today." She said with a stern face. I broke down right after she said that. I just started balling my eyes out. 

I cried for 15 minutes straight but then calmed down a bit. "Here let's go get you cleaned up a bit before everyone else gets here." B/f/n said while she was leading me to the bathroom. We decided to take all of my makeup off, not that I had a lot on, that way it wouldn't smear worse later. We walked out of the bathroom to see quite a bit of people standing in the foyer here to attend my mothers funeral. My mothers funeral..... My mothers dead, and all these people are here in remembrance of her. But you know who isn't here? My own father. I can't freaking believe him. "Wait... Wheres your dad?" "Busy being a bitch." I said looking at her with hatred in my eyes. I could tell by the look on her face she was confused. "He's been getting drunk again b/f/n..." Right as I said that she gave me a huge hug. She knew his drinking really upset me. She let go and gave me the kind of look that said everything's gonna be alright. Maybe not now but eventually. I gave her a half smile. That's all I could really muster up right now. I looked around the room to try and see who all was there. Family, co-workers, friends, and some people from my high school. I started greeting people as they gave me their condolences, and made my way towards the room that actually had her casket in it. The last "group" of people I had to greet were the ones from my school. It was a group of about 6 of my friends. Marzia, Amy, Signe, Felix, Zoe, and Lilly. "Thank you guys so much for coming today I-" I was cut off by the minister telling me it was time for the service to start. 

I've never cried so much in my life. The service was over and now it was time to say our final goodbyes. I went first of course. Time seemed to slow down as I walked to the casket. I saw her body and fell to my knees and cried. I couldn't move. The rest of the service and the burial were kind of a blur. I guess since I cried the whole time. I wasn't the only one though. B/f/n was almost as hurt by this as I was. After everyone had left after the burial I sat in front of moms grave with b/f/n. "I'm so sorry mom. It's all my fault." B/f/n shot me a glare. "How in the world could this be your fault?!?!? Don't say shit like that..." She mumbled the last part. "Because apparently when the hospital finally talked to my dad, who had only had 1 beer at the time, he told them that she was on the way to our school to bring me an essay I had left at the house. The other driver had served to miss an animal and hit her not seeing her." We were just silent at this point. I would've cried, I think we both would've, but i'm pretty sure we've cried enough to fill a swimming pool. We just didn't have to energy at this point. "I'm tired. I need some time to think. I want to go home now. Do you need a ride?" I asked her. "No i'm good. I think i'm just gonna walk. I just live 2 blocks over anyways." I hugged her goodbye and started going home.

Well there's chapter 4 peoples. Please, please, please, leave a comment with your thoughts. I want to know what you think! Love you guys and I will see all my fellow bitches in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

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