Speaking In Tongues

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Speaking In Tongues                   

by sloanranger 

I'm sitting in bed last night and I have this sort of waking dream-stream thing and I lay down my head and it's going round like when you're dizzy and next thing I know I'm falling deep inside of you which made no sense to me you, being male because there's no allegory or metaphor for it that I could think of - but suddenly I'm encased within you, hating being restricted in any way and I'm almost scared but before the fright can manifest, you become a giant bird and I'm on your bird-back flying, my face pressed into your neck feathers.

I'm thinking then of feather mites but not worrying much about them, worrying more about staying on, my hands holding your giant wing feathers, tightly grasping for balance. we are over water but land is below on our right and I can see an old house - weather-beaten, two stories with an attic we fly lower and a tethered dog is barking a welcome. and as we land you are no longer a bird but become a man transformed, the dog is joyous he knows you, improbably me too - although he may only be being polite to one of your friends. He keeps looking at you for permission to love me, and I stoop and we French kiss he and I, and there is no more doubt.  I've misunderstood humans before but I am fluent in dog.  I speak in tongues.

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