Such Are The Wonders

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Such Are The Wonders               

by sloanranger

It was eight o'clock, the time of change and I looked up into the clouds and saw an angel catch a world.

The sun was just down.

Because the colors in the sky were so dramatic, pink and gray, I had stepped outside to view.

She held the globe in front of her with both hands, as it slowly broke up.

Feathers, flames - or her hair - seemed to fly in streaks, behind her.

The streaks, wispy, went the full length of her back - from the crown of her head, all the way down to her feet – like one of those Indian head dresses you see in the movies – only better...all the while, the cloud globe -  world - planet - sun, broke up, separated and went away.

At just that moment an air - plane, 'real' – not a 'cloud air - plane,' emerged from her tail-feet.

Suddenly she was reversed.

Headless, I thought at first, her back (formerly her front), ramrod straight. Her legs now in what was the front of her, too, with her feathers, flames, hair still blown.

And I saw then, her head was not gone, but tucked under and unto her chest and she, now becoming embryonic in form.

Such are the wonders of clouds, Re - all, eye - tie, our Earth and our God.

She disappeared - but not before smiling at me and is gone now, leaving only pale gray feathers adjacent to pale pinkish color -  still leaving at 8:11.

Authors Note: For those who've not studied chromotherapy or color healing, pink is said to represent the color of love and gray - the color of grace.

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