Chapter One: 'Cause you're a sky full of stars

Start from the beginning

As I run, feeling the familiar burning in my thighs as my muscles go to work, I can't help but admire the beauty. The early morning sky painted in hues of pink and pale blue, the sound of liveliness from the people around me. Hell, if I listen close enough, I swear I can hear the ocean from Venice Beach from here. Though Venice Beach is almost thirty minutes away.

There is nothing like a run on a summer morning. The way the air is warm, but not too warm. A slight breeze evening out the muggy air, making it bearable. Maybe today is even sweeter because today is the first day of summer break.

School is stuffy, confining. I never much liked being stuck inside those classrooms, listening to teachers drone on about square roots and men who started pointless wars long before I was even born. I did like astrology, though. It was one of my favorite classes. Looking at pictures of stars and learning about those stars made me feel that much closer to Xerxion.

After my run is done, I make my way back into the house, strands of hair sticking to the back of my neck.

The kids are already awake. Our foster mother, an impassive woman in her late forties, isn't here. She'd, no doubt, left sometime after I'd gone from my run. I suppose I'm lucky to have been placed with Miss. June. There are so many cases every day about kids being placed with monsters as their foster parents, but Miss. June isn't a monster, just... uncaring. I mean, she keeps us clothed and keeps food in the fridge. If we need anything, she never hesitates to provide us with things, but she isn't really what you'd call a parental figure.

Honestly, we barely see her. She's kind of like a ghost, moving around the house mostly at night at leaving early in the morning. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually spoken to Miss. June since I ended up in her care twelve years ago.

There are twelve of us here. There's me, Fatima, Luke, and Tori, we're the eldest in the home all four of us are seventeen. Then there's Julia, Emma, and Carl, the three of them were the second oldest. Julia and Carl are fifteen and Emma was fourteen. Then there was Tyson, Clarissa, Noah, Jacob, and Ava. Tyson and Clarissa are thirteen, Noah and Jacob are twelve and Ava is only five.

Like always, the eldest of us ignore me. It's a natural thing at this point, something that's been happening ever since they overheard a social worker talking to Miss. June about the circumstances of my ending up in the system. They were never mean about ignoring me, but one day I started to notice the way they looked at me. Like they were terrified of me.

I always wonder if my parents had that same look on the face when they shoved me into that police officer's arms.

Ava comes bounding over to me, though, pulling at my hands, forcing me into the kitchen with the others. The younger kids don't ignore me. In fact, oddly enough, they seem to look up to me. They seem to love me like a sister. I know that I do love them. Especially Ava. She ended up here when she was two years old and has been stuck to me like glue ever since.

"Tori made pancakes," she informs me, looking up at me and flashing her dimples. She's at that stage where she's losing teeth. Her two front teeth are the most recent of losses and when she talks, she has a cute lisp that makes me smile.

Knowing the pancakes are not for me and Tori, although she wouldn't say it aloud, doesn't want the "Cursed Girl" eating her pancakes, I gently remove Ava's tiny little hands, smiling down at her.

"I've got to shower and get dressed. I can't eat when I'm still sweaty."

Tyson and Clarissa both give me a look. They may be young, but they aren't stupid. They've no doubt heard the others talking about me. They see the way the others eye me. I know that Tyson and Clarissa knew about my past, but for whatever reason-unlike Julia, Emma and Carl-they still talk to me. When Fatima, Luke, and Tori had told Julia, Emma and Carl I was cursed, they had avoided me like the plague. I'm sure if they've told Noah and Jacob or not, though I assume they haven't because Noah and Jacob still treat me normally, but because Tyson and Clarissa are as old as they are, I am positive they have been told about me.

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