Chapter Two - The Council Meeting Goes Haywire

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Have you guys ever had the feeling of an army of ants just crawling around your stomach? Because that was exactly how I felt seeing that compact mirror again.

As Travis, Connor, and I marched up to the Big House, I readied myself to knock on the door when Chiron suddenly opens it instead. Looking slightly taken aback, the old stallion scrunched up his eyebrows and looked at me with his very ancient eyes, "If I may ask," He began. "What are you three's intentions on coming here? Remember, Mr. D does not approve of you hiding his wine glasses; the whole camp was on probation for all of winter."

I was the first to talk, ignoring the jab he made about the last time the three of us tried to pull a prank on the wine god. "Chiron, there is something really bad going on," I grumbled as I forcibly entered the Big House. Connor and Travis looked at each other questionably and shrugged as they began following my lead. However, Chiron decided to ultimately close the door in their faces, leaving me to hear Connor's disgruntled, "Seriously?" outside the door.

The centaur trotted behind me as I went straight to his office. It still looked the same as before; an old record player, a computer, and a boombox playing a very nerve-wracking Italian soap opera. I didn't even know Italy had soap operas. I should probably ask Nico about that.

"What is it, my dear?" Chiron asked me, probably seeing the panic in my eyes. I reached into my pocket and pulled out some bits and pieces of the now shattered mirror. The centaur's eyes widened. "Where did you–."

"I don't know," I cut him off, panic ringing in my voice. "It was given to me in a package! It even had the weird squiggle wiggle thingy with a heart that said 'To Astra~' on a sticker! Who even uses stickers anymore; keep up with the times and use emojis!"

"Now, now, calm down," Chiron comforted me, placing a kind hand on my tense shoulder. I swatted it away, not trying to be rude but only because I was feeling slightly uncomfortable.

The air rushed out of my lungs and it was suddenly hard to breathe. "How can I calm down? I just broke another Mirror of Discord!" I yelped. The old centaur gave a tired sigh. He pondered, stroking his grayish beard. I wanted to help, but I'm not necessarily what other people call 'logical' or 'intellectual'. However, deep down, I'm pretty convinced Austin had something to do with it.

It was a heart-wrenching hit on the head when Austin betrayed us. I never really expected one of my closest friends to be my most begrudging enemy. He was foolish to choose the wrong side; after everything we have done for him, he still manages to set us up.

And now, he's gonna pay the price whether I like it or not.

There was also Drew; the main reason behind the this whole fight to begin with. She and Serena dragged Lance and I into a whole ordeal back in Tartarus where I had no choice but to use the Arrow of Light. It's so hard to believe that all of this began two years ago.

The old centaur heaved out a heavy exhale, knowing exactly what was on my mind.

"I suppose this calls for a meeting," He said while massaging his temple. I want everyone here as quickly as they can. I will pay Rachel a visit in the meantime."

Taking the smashed pieces of the mirror, I brushed them off to the nearest trash can, being wary to not cut my fingers. A long silence fell inside the room as I stared at the waste bin and I decided to break it. "There's another war about to start, is there?" I mumbled, glaring at the ground. "I mean, the feeling was inevitable, but now it's actually going to happen?"

The bright sunny sky outside was not doing me a favor, but instead giving me a slight pang of guilt that my friends are giving up this beautiful day for a dreadful war. Chiron breathed out another exasperated sigh, as if already seeing the future with his dark, tired eyes.

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