Shadow vs Tohka part 2

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Shadow sends his Getsuga Tenshoa at Tohka but she blocks it with her sword but doesn't realise he's right behind her as he slashes her back and her armor rips abit as she said "damn you how dare you human" she slashes at him but he blocks it. The forces came and saw the black cloth boy and Tohka fighting again and fires some lazer beams. They both got hit but they didn't feel anything and just continued fighting each other until Oragami charges at both of them with her sword and yells "you both will pay for destroying this city". Shadow blocks her attack and says "Getsuga Tenshoa" his attack hits her hard and she falls down to the floor, she yells in pain as she holds her arm and says "dammit why are these spirits so powerful" she watches Shadow and Tohka fighting and she is impressed that this black cloth guy can match her in a fight. Shadow and Tohka clash their swords again as Tohka says "your not that bad for a human but it ends here" she fires her own dark blast at him in point blank range as they both fall to the ground. Tohka gets back up and disappears with a portal as Shadow gets back up and also disappears.

Sorry it took so long I was busy but I finally finished this chapter I hope you like it, I do not own date a live or bleach.

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