Chapter 25: All I Ever Do Is Feel

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(song: Anachronism by Crywolf)

Your ghosts are real
I feel them in my lungs
Breath them in and out as I
Breath you in and out as I'm...

Octavia sat on a log, by the camp gates, watching Clarke, Bellamy, Kane, Abby, and the Floukru talk.

Lincoln placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "I know what you are thinking, love."

Octavia sighed contently as Lincoln sat down beside her."I don't get it, Linc. They are a bunch of cowards and deserters. Why are they even here?"

"I don't know, O. Something might have happened. Something big. Otherwise the Floukru...they don't leave their boat," Lincoln said, putting his arms around the slender girl. "Don't worry, Clarke is here. She'll take care of it."

"I know she will," Octavia smiled and looked at Lincoln. "She got you back to me."

Lincoln smiled and nodded,"She will get us out of this too."


Clarke sat, facing Luna and three others, Bellamy, Kane, and Raven by her side. Abby, Murphy, and a few others hang behind, prepared to raise guns at the slightest sign of threat.

"I've heard of you, Luna. Lexa...Heda told me about you," Clarke said.

"She must have told you I ran away from the conclave?" Luna smirked.

"Umm...well..." Clarke hesitated.

"It's okay, Wanheda, I did run away. And I'm proud that I did. I let go of years of bloodshed and violence that comes with the title of the Commander. But of course, you know that already. Or you wouldn't be here."

"My reasons for being here are different," Clarke said defensively. "And Lexa is anything but the bloodthirsty warmonger that everyone makes her out to be. If she was, she wouldn't let the Wanheda go."

Luna smirked, "If that's what makes you happy. But that is not what I am here to discuss today."

"Then what do you want, Luna? Because we are here, and we are self sufficient. We don't need any help or threat. We are just trying to live peacefully here."

Luna eyed the rag-tag band of 20 Arkadian survivors.

"Want it or not, war is coming for you. For you all. And this is not something you can escape."

"Look, Luna," Bellamy said. "We are out of everyone's business here. We have a sort of an alliance with Trikru. We are not getting dragged into a new war."

"Arturo didn't want war either," the man standing behind Luna, said gravely. "But you know what he did? He took his father's knife, and cut the throats of his sister and his mother. And he laughed all the while he was doing it."

"What?" Kane exclaimed sharply. "Why would he do it? How can any war whatsoever make him do something like that?"

"The chip," Luna said quietly. "The chip made him do it. And now it's coming for all of us."

"The chip?" Raven asked. "What chip?"

"Something you Sky people brought. Something that's taking over all of us. It morphs your mind. Controls you. Makes you do things you would otherwise not do. It is something beyond any of us. It there everywhere. Following us."

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