Chapter 2

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"Sophie," someone said
"Sophie it's time to wake up."

Slowly Sophie opened her eyes at the sound of her friends voices.

"WhathappenedwhereamIamIbeingheldcaptive?" Sophie tried to speak but it all came out in a mush of words.

"Shhhh," Biana said. "One question at a time. We're in an odd situation at the moment." 

Sophie nodded.

"We're not being held captive are we."
Biana laughed, "Thank goodness no!"

"The only person holding you captive is me," Keefe said, plopping down on the bed next to Sophie wiggling his eyebrows.

Sophie stared in shock; Fitz put a hand on Keefe's shoulder.

"Keefe," he said sternly. His eyes showing a raging fire behind his now cold teal eyes.

"Well I'm in her bed aren't I?" Keefe said smirking.
Sophie then scrambled to get out of the bed, but Biana pushed her back down. "Keefe, get off the bed right now and SHUT UP!!!"
"Geez, I'm just kidding."

Fitz muttered something under his breath, and Dex glared.

"Ok you boys are nothing but trouble. Go out in the hall now, and I'll explain to Sophie what happened," Biana decided.

"But I haven't done anything!" Dex said.
Biana gave all three of them 'the look'.
"Go." She said, pointing toward the door.
"Fine," they muttered as they left the room.

"So what exactly happened?" Sophie asked.
"As you've probably gathered," Biana started, " the Neverseen attacked us. Moments after you passed out from the sedative, the Black Swan came. As soon as they arrived, the Neverseen fled. The Black Swan then brought us here." Biana paused for a moment. "All we really know is we're on this island for our safety until the Black Swan deems it safe for us to come back to the lost cities."

Sophie nodded. "Did they leave a note or something explaining what this place is?"

"It's the Black Swan, what do you think?" Biana said sarcastically.


Sophie opened her mouth to say something more when suddenly screams erupted from outside the door.

Chapter 2!! What do you think?!? And do you like shorter or longer chapters? I know I said this was about the boys fighting over Sophie, and I promise it either happens next chapter or the one after that. No later then chapter 4!


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