26: Sometimes you end up wanting mutually exclusive things.

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"But it is true that the quality of visuals in our school is on another level," said Hayato whilst stroking his chin. "We have so many different types of beauties."

"So basically, if we go with this script, we'll be killing two birds with one stone since we won't have to go through the trouble of switching roles and we'll still be able please the rabid fans."

By this point Shizuka's expression had become so dark that it was almost as if storm clouds were brewing over her head. "Can't-"

"Would you really be against acting alongside me, Shizuka?" asked Madoka with a forlorn expression on his face. Rays of sunlight streaking through the open window by his desk provided a natural backlight that gave his appearance an ethereal quality.

"T-That's not it..."

"So it's okay if you're paired with Honda-san but not me?"

"No, that's not-"

"Then there's no problem is there?" Madoka tilted his head and looked at Shizuka with big upturned eyes. "Is there?"

Shizuka's shoulders slumped knowing that she no longer had a way out. After several seconds she softly acquiesced, "No, I guess there isn't..."

A splendiferous smile graced Madoka's face. "That's great. I'm looking forward to sharing the stage with you."


I was totally duped, wasn't I? I guess this is his revenge for the whole crossdressing thing...


Over the next two weeks, the students of Kiseki Gakuen invested an admirable amount of effort into making their upcoming culture festival a success. Even Shizuka who had been reluctant eventually got into the spirit of things. She figured that if she had to play an important role in their Cinderella spin-off, then she might as well excel at it.

While the entire school was anxiously awaiting their performance, besides the students of 3-A, no one knew exactly what kind of play the most famous couple in the area would be starring in. This was because the students of 3-A had collectively decided to keep information about their play confidential to build up even more anticipation and incite potential audience members.

In between play preparations, student council work, and regular schoolwork, Madoka had become so busy that Shizuka actually hadn't been able to spend much time alone with him. However, this was something Shizuka had chosen because she had maintained that it was more important for Madoka to assist the student council than to have lunch and walk home with her.

"Why did you agree to something like that anyways?" asked Fuyuki as she, Shizuka, and Mika made their way over their usual cafe on one Saturday afternoon.

"Because the student council literally wouldn't function without him and then the whole festival would be jeopardized."

"Ehh, aren't you a noble one?"

"You just realized that?" answered Shizuka as she tossed her hair over her shoulders in a prideful fashion. "I'm simply someone who is overflowing with good qualities."

Pulling the cafe door open, Fuyuki jested, "Too bad your bad qualities outweigh your good ones."

"Ah Fuyuki-chan, Mika-chan, and Shizuka-chan. It's been a while!"

The three smiled brightly when they saw a kind-looking but energetic looking elderly gentlemen behind the cafe's counter and dashed over to him.

"Uwah, Akita jii-chan, it's been so long!" exclaimed Fuyuki.

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