"remember what i said about staying still?
i really hope you do, i don't want to accidentally cut you in the wrong way. that would ruin you're beautiful skin."

his words played through my mind,
my eyes wide as i watched him slowly cutting off the clothing he made me wear with the tip of the shape blade.

not too long after, the tight cloth around my skin was gone and torn.
sitting on the dirty floor along with his other utensils.

"look how it easy it is,
when you just,

i'm truly am thankful,
for how you act,
and how you think of me."

he grinned at me through the light leaking through
the other room.

it was obvious he didn't want it to be too bright,
everything would be too easy to see.
to easy to do.

killing me,
would be simply too easy.
he knew this from the beginning.

my thoughts of dread were disrupted
when the feeling of the same knife from before,
was being dragged across my bare chest.

but there wasn't enough pressure for it to cut me,
not yet.

the blade not cutting my skin was a feeling that i got use to quickly.
i wasn't at ease but i knew moving wasn't an option.


a feeling i should've never thought of at the moment.

the once subtle pain was now, a sharp pain of the blade being pressed into my upper chest.

thoughts raced throughout my head as soon as i glanced down at what his hand was doing.
the facial expressions he was making.
the sinister look glooming in his eyes.

' kth.'

the initials of his name now carved into my skin.

"now there is another way,
to prove,
you are mine."

i couldn't do anything but sit there in shock,
the pain and stinging sensation still circulating throughout my chest.

he dropped the knife and let the blood continue to seep onto my skin,
reaching over to grab the matches in his bag of weapons.

one lit match now being held over the carving in my skin.

i hunched my torso in to try and find a way to stop the fire from touching, but every time i tried,
taehyung would only bring the flame closer.

his dark chuckle rang through my ears as he glided it down to my arm with the barcode,
the tattoo he burned into my skin before.

"i feel like,
a new addition,
would always be so helpful.

they'll find you,
in a different place,
with a new style of death,
and a new way of being found.

and i will never get caught."

taehyung would continue mumbling these words,
for his reassurance,
to remind me that i'm nothing to him.

that's when the heat of the match was fairly close to my skin,
hovering just above the mark.

so i took in a deep breath and closed my eyes,
tears staining my cheeks like they once did before.
but this time for a whole different reason.

it wasn't because it hurt,
i had gone numb to the pain.

it was because someone who wanted nothing but for me to love him,
switched personalities so quickly.
becoming a different person.

someone that i still cared for.
and maybe that's all he needed to hear.

i couldn't help but feel myself forming a smile as i realized i never told him how i felt,

"taehyung i don't want you to do this anymore,
i want us to be here together,

you never planned for someone to feel the same,
maybe i am different like you say.

just stop with the pain.
and i'll stop pretending like i don't care,
because i do."

i opened my eyes for a second to look up at taehyung with the same small smile.
my eyes shining bright at the thought of staying with him.

but his expression saddened,
and he blew out the match.

he stared at me a while longer before backing away to the ground,
picking up the same gun from earlier.

"i'm sorry,
i didn't mean for you to change.
the voices are mad at me now.

the voices will come to you, too.
every old kitten will come back.

and the only way to stop that,
is to stop myself."

reality hit me then.
reality hit me when the sound of the trigger being pulled echoed through the room.

i closed my eyes and held a breath that was escaping my parted lips, thinking of a happier place.
a place that wasn't seeing the lifeless body.

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