Date with Xenovia

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Before Kazuki went to bed the previous night, the brown haired boy was definitely worried that he was going to find Xenovia in his bed next morning naked and wanting to make a baby with him. However, he woke up the next morning, he found no girl sleeping next to him which was actually a surprise. The boy began to raise from his bed, but immediately stopped when Xenovia, wearing a red sports bra and black booty shorts, walked into the room with tray of eggs, bacon, and toast. Kazuki immediately began to drool at the sight of the food and slight nosebleed from looking at the blue haired girl.

Xenovia smiled as she placed the food on his lap and kissed the boy on the cheek. "Good morning Kazuki. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good...," Kazuki said as he slowly started to eat the food in front of him. "So what do you have plan for today?"

The girl smiled as she took one of Kazuki's hand into one of hers. "Well...we're going to go rock climbing, so eat breakfast and get changed."

With that, she left the room as kissed him one more time leaving him shocked. The boy then smiled as he wolfed down his food as fast he could and then got changed to meet his date for the day.

Once arriving at rock climbing club, the two teens immediately got hooked up and started climbing the nearest rock wall. Xenovia was definitely moving up the wall faster due the fact she was a super human devil and Kazuki was only human. However Kazuki immediately nosebleed almost fell when Xenovia's top almost fell off revealing her bra.

After that, the two went to a nearby food court and got something to eat to talk about themselves to get to know each other better. It turns out Xenovia was a member of the Church for multiple years of her life before finding out the god of universe was dead. She then joined the Gremory household and only wants to have a baby to fill the void the former devotion to her god was.

Kazuki then took her hands and looked her in the eyes. "Xenovia...I get why you want to have a child, but you should have a child with the person you love and when you're both ready."

The girl nodded before kissing him on the lips. "I understand that now. Just know that I do love you Kazuki and I'm willing to wait for you to be ready to have a family with you."

The brown haired boy blushed as the two got up and threw away. "How about we go for a walk? It's a nice day and I'm enjoying my day with you."

Xenovia smiled as she kissed his check. "Ok. Let's go then."

With that the couple began to walk, but as he did Kazuki began to realize that soon he would have to make his decision and in the end, only four of the girls would still be with him.

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