Date with Rias

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When Kazuki woke up the next morning, he noticed two things that were different from when he went to sleep. First, he could of sworn he had fallen asleep next to Pyrrha on the couch, but now found himself sleeping in his bed. Then he definitely would of remembered falling asleep with a naked Rias sleeping next to him who was currently wrapped around with a smile on her face.

The boy slowly started to try to get out of bed, but was immediately pulled back down by Rias who gave smiled softly at him. "Good morning, Kazuki dear. How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine, but how did I get here and why are you sleeping naked next to me again?," the brown haired boy asked.

The red haired devil sat up from the bed as she looked Kazuki in the eyes. "Well, everyone moved you and Pyrrha to your beds not wanting you to be sore from sleeping on the couch. Also, since my date with you is today, Kotori allowed me sleep next to you. By the way, the only reason I'm naked is because I can't fall asleep with clothes on. I'm not actually trying to sleep with you...though I'll admit I'm trying to seduce you."

Kazuki blushed from that last part. "Oh...well...what do you want to do today?"

Rias smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm glad you asked that. My plan for us today is lay here for a little bit longer before going to get brunch and then doing some shopping. I just want to get to know you. We don't have to rush anything."

"I'm guess that makes sense.," the brown haired boy stated as he yawned. "I think a little bit rest would do me some good right about now. "

"Ok then. Let's just go back to sleep, but before we do that, I have something I want to do.," the girl said as she firmly kissed Kazuki on the lips.

The boy blushed bright red at the action, but soon relaxed into the kiss and found himself kissing back. The two teens soon found themselves making out on his bed as the rest of the girls were just now getting up. Man if they knew what Rias were doing in Kazuki's room, they would all be green with envy that it wasn't them with Kazuki.


After resting for a little while, Kazuki and Rias finally got dressed and then went out for brunch at Crackel Barrel. While they were there, Rias told the brown haired boy about her life as the next head of the Gremory Household. She also told him about all of her friends like Akeno, Koneko, and Asia and how she cared about them dearly. She even talk highly of a pervert pawn named Issei which Kazuki wasn't sure how he felt about that. However, he could definitely see how kind and caring Rias was.

Once they were done eating, the two made their way to the same mall Kazuki had his date with Erza where Rias wanted to get some new clothes. She bought some new outfits so she didn't have to wear her school uniform all the time. However, she also made Kazuki go into a lingerie store called Victoria Secret where she showed off her new underwear to him. The poor boy blushed bright red from Russ's beauty though he also received many glares from the other women in the store.

After that, Rias and him left the mall to just take a casual walk in the park. The red haired girl smiled happily with her arm around Kazuki's as he held on her bags with the other hand. The sky was clear and the weather was perfect as families were out on picnics.

"I have to say this has been a really good day.," Rias stated with a smile. "Don't you agree, Kazuki?"

The boy nodded in response. "Yeah. I have to admit I'm having a good time with you, Rias. I don't think anything could ruin this date."

"I agree and only have a four more dates to go on.," the female devil stated. "You're halfway done."

"I guess you're right.," Kazuki said just realizing that fact. "Not much longer until I have give my answer to that little gremlin...I still have no idea who I'm going to chose."

"Don't worry. Not matter you chose, we'll all support you and your final decision.," Rias said giving the boy a kiss on the cheek.

Kazuki smiled. "Thanks Rias. I needed to hear that. By the way, my date with Xenovia is tomorrow. You know what can I expect?"

Rias shrugged. "I don't know. I think this will technically be her first date. Just promise you two do anything shameful because knowing her... she'll want to put a baby in her."

Red vs Blue (Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora