Chapter One: Talking to God

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Ada felt like she was floating, which was weird. Why was it weird? Oh yes, all her senses, all her feelings were confused, indiscriminate, unidentifiable. It was as if she had no way of controlling any of her senses anymore, a switch had been turned off.

Either way she sensed the area around her. She was in the mist, definitely. That stormy wind, the violent void of nothing, the fearsome unknown; she didn't know when it happened, Amelia must have killed her, maybe. She didn't remember that happening, but it must have.

Did the mist even have an end?

Was she going to fall forever?

But wait. She couldn't feel anyway gravity pulling her down. Maybe she was in the centre of the planet already, maybe she had fallen down so much there was nowhere else to fall down to. That didn't make sense. Whatever.

She was going to die here.

She looked at her arms,

Her legs,

Her chest.

It was funny, unless she was next to a mirror, she never really bothered looking at herself. She didn't see herself from this first person perspective very often.

Her skin looked extremely smooth, her limbs, they looked shorter somehow. Was she really looking at her own body?


She needed to think of a way of getting out of wherever she was. Her friends were probably worried about her, and she still had a mission to accomplish. She needed to perform that spell, and she needed to find Seiruun. She needed to kill Amelia.

"If you're so curious about me you should just come out and talk to me. There's no point in hiding in that veil of mist." Ada said to nothing.

"Oh? You noticed me?" Ada could feel the entity communicate with her, it wasn't by voice, nor was it some sort of psychic connection, it was simply spiritual. Hard to explain other than the feeling one gets when being spoken to in the first few seconds upon being woken up. She didn't really hear words, but she knew what was being said.

"Hard to ignore, you're everywhere."


"So you got any answers for why I'm here?"

"You died."

"Right. So, what, am I in heaven? Hell?" Ada sighed, "I'm in hell aren't I?"

"No." there was a long pause, "you shouldn't be able to remember who you are."

"What do you mean?"

"Huh... Your soul shouldn't maintain a consciousness after dying. You're anomalous."

"Go me. What does that mean?"

"I don't know. Your soul should only maintain your emotional character traits, but your memories should be wiped. That's what it means to die."

"Great." Ada shrugged, "can you at least tell me who you are?"


"Do you know how I died?"


"Is there any way for me to come back? I mean, you just said I was different."

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