Nice day

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I yawned. A nice day is about to start ! I woke up and started to head in direction of the kitchen.

"Fuck you the floor ! Fuck you the ceiling ! Fuck you the cat !" I was showing my middle finger at them. And don't forget to greet the neighbors ! I opened the door, "Fuck you !"

"You too miss (l/n) !" My neighbor smiled at me.

I was eating my breakfast, watching spongebob square pant.


I checked my phone and saw that Chanyeol texted me.


Uhh I don't know how to say that but my parents asked your aunt if... I could marry you... Because your company work well and they wanted to get benefits for both of us... So yeah..

Do you want to marry me ?

I think it's a little precipitated but... In the future... I'd like to call you Miss Park...

Park... It's also the family name of Jimin right ? I'm getting older and older... And I know how I am... I'll probably be alone with hundreds of cats in a few years.. he's like my... ONLY chance to get married. And God know that marriage is important in Korea.. I think that.. I should accept. It'll make my mom proud.

Two months later

"Oh my god !" My aunt exclaimed. Even if she was friendly, I still felt odd. As if I wasn't a part of the family, "I can't believe you married Chanyeol ! And now... You must go to Hawaii for your honeymoon ! I didn't went here ! Lucky girl !" She was starting to irritate me.

"Yeah... Anyway ! It's time for me to travel to Hawaii ! So... Goodbye !"

The voyage was good. The hotel was comfy and cosy. And OH MY GOD IS THIS A KING SIZED BED ?!

It was the evening. We took our shower together, washed our teeth together and went to bed together.

"(Y/n).... Can you tell me... When you worked with BTS.. you agree that they are pretty popular.. but hum... Something bad happened to you or something ? Because each time I mention their name you're beginning to have a sort of dark aura around you and you're becoming all sad !"

The fight between Jimin and Jungkook.
Jimin becoming a pervert.
Yoongi who nearly raped me.
Me comforting Jimin when he is sick.
Me singing for Jimin.
Me walking in a garden with Jimin.
Me sleeping in Jimin's arm.
Me dreaming of Jimin.
The parade with BTS.
Me who is dreaming of my childhood again.
Me being nostalgic.

Me feeling uncompleted.

And it hurts so bad.
There is so much responses to your question... You can't understand.
It's not that I don't like you. I do like you ! But I don't think that were meant for each other. But-

"I love you." I said bluntly.

"I love you too but you didn't answered my question !" Did I say it out loud ?!

"Oh ! Uh..." He his your husband.. you have the right to tell him ! But I have the right to keep things like that for me, "no ! Don't worry ! It's just the memories ! I'm feeling a little nostalgic that's all !" I tried to reassure him.

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