Chapter 4

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"Zoe, over here!" I heard Percy Odair call Zoe over. "See you later Paylor, and watch out for those two." She hugged me and looked over at Kym and Kayla. She looked into their eyes and pointed to them. Kym stuck her tongue out at her. "Well, that went well, I wanted you two to get along. Her parents died in a hurricane and she's been with her aunt most of her life. I thought you two would get along," I said to Kym. Kym herself had gone through a rough life as well, but not as bad as Zoe. She had lost her parents at the age of two, so last time I saw her when I was five, she was very sensitive. As Kym and Kayla stared at each other I saw that they needed some catching up. "Well, you guys settle in, I will see you later." I smiled then left. As I turned my back I saw a boy. This boy looked like me. I gasped. He turned his head at me and smiled. I frowned, " you're Nico Di Neve aren't you?" "And you look like... never mind," he said. He turned over. He looked at Zoe. He waved and smiled again. Zoe smiled and waved back. Her face turned scarlet. Nico was totally flirting with her. I saw this as my chance to leave and took it. I stumbled and fall over the foot of a . He young boy. He quickly puts something away in his pocket. "I'm so sorry," I tell him. I look up at him and then blush. His handsome face glowed radiantly. "Uhh," he said. I look away, staring at the ground. "What distric... Oh, never mind. I already know you're from District 1. How old... never mind I don't need to know." I stare at the ground wanting to curse at myself for being so stupid. "Oh, it's okay, I look a lot younger than what I actually am. I'm fifteen. Have you met the other tributes from our district? There's me, Raven, and Nico. We all look alike. Many people ask if we are siblings, but were not. Raven and Nico are cousins, though. Nico lost his sister when he was four. His mom is Cashmere," he said. "See you later!" he turned and walked away. A picture dropped from his pocket. I picked it up. I looked at it and there was a really pretty girl with black hair. "Fenn wait!"I run up to him. "You forgot this." I hand the picture to him. He snaches it from my hand. "Who is she? She's very pretty."

He growls"She's no one. Don't tell anyone that I have this picture, they're going to take it away from me. The only thing that I can tell you is that she got captured by Capitol. Don't tell anyone or I swear...!" "Okay, okay. Promise kept. See you at the training center." I walk away. As soon as I am out of his sight, tears forming in my eyes. I stare down at my hands, and they are trembling. I am so stupid. I think. Hoping that being in the arena with Fenn would be like Katniss and Peeta. Fenn probably knew that I liked him. Nico liked Zoe, and Zoe liked Nico back. It was obvious that Kym admired Percy, but does Fenn like me? I hate my life, and my life is turning the hunger games into a soap opera. He's a boy from District 1, he's a Career. District Eleven's don't go with Careers. That picture that Fenn held was probably his girlfriend. It was obvious that he liked that girl, he was going to rescue her. There is only two main things I want: winning the games and being with Fenn.

. . .

Half sobbing already, I start to walk towards my room. "Hey! Are you okay? You seem a bit down." I see a girl with dark black hair aproach me. She holds out her hand. "Raven Bleu, District 1. Cousin of Nico Di Neve. Have you seen him? He seems to be with this girl from District 4 a lot. I think her name is Zoe. You know, red-ish, blond-ish hair?" After she sees me not responding she adds, "Are you okay? Has Fenn rejected you? Happens a lot. He's really scared after his girlfriend got captured. Her name is Evie Angelo." She sighed. "He has been so crazy for her, me and Nico think that he just might go mad. I look up at her. Then, she gasps. " You're her!" "Fenn's girlfriend?" " No, no. I need to find Nico. He's going to be so happy. His mom got killed by Johanna Mason, and after that her sister was taken to another District and he's never seen her ever since. Stay where you are, I'm going to go get Nico." She ran off. I ran to my room.

I locked the door and ulaid on my bed. My eyes closed slightly and then I opened them. I dozed off lying on my bed.

I woke up with someone knocking on my door. "Paylor, you have a few visitors." The voice sounded like Lily, so I decided to let her in. As soon as I opened the door, Nico ran in and hugged me. "It was you! Why didn't you tell me!" " Uh, I didn't..." my voice faltered. Standing in the doorway were Zoe, Fenn and Raven sniggering and talking amongst themselves. My face reddened and I said, " Uh, well, if you will excuse me, Nico, I'm going to go find someone." And with that I ran off leaving everyone regretting their every words. When I was sure that they were not following me I called out, " Bailey! Come on, I know you were spying on me. Why? You know, if you like me, you don't have to feel nervous, you can just tell me." Bailey appeared from behind a wall. Outside, rain poured down heavily. He looked at me confused. "I thought you hated me," he said rubbing his bruised eye. "Well," I said, "It's nice to have somebody who actually cares about your feelings." "But I thought I heard the girl from District 1 tell her cousin that you were his older sister?" "Yeah, well, he really likes to hug people he barely knows and barge into their rooms." He walked up to me. He held my hand tightly. "Promise me that you will find me in the arena Promise," he said. "I promise."

He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. I flushed red. I looked stunned. He moved away. He turned around and walked away.

I heard snickering. I walked forward and looked in the next hallway. I peek through the corner and see Zoe and Nico kissing. Ugh. These halls carry so much romance within them. We are about to enter the Hunger Games!,  The voice inside my head yells. I look at the other side of the the hallway and I see Raven throwing a fit of silent giggles. Zoe looks over at me and I hide but I think she saw a bit of my hair. She pulls away, then she whispered at Nico. She giggles and they walk past me. I know that they're just moving to a more private room. I walk toward Raven and she's still giggling. "That was funny," she says in a middle of a giggle. Her giggles suddenly turn into laughter. She sees that my cheeks are still red from my kiss with Bailey. "Oh, wow. You too?" She rolls her eyes and says, " My family is really small, and my dad, who is Gloss, got killed in the last Quarter Quell as well. My mother was killed a few weeks ago by Peacekeepers. You and Nico are the only family I have, and it looks like Zoe's going to be part of it too now." 

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