Chapter 3

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"We haven't told anyone but you. Please don't tell anyone." Kayla said. I nodded. "If you tell someone, I'll kill you!" said Kym. Her mom laughs. "We really should be getting back to work, tomorrow is our reaping. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"mimicked Kym. I stand up and limp over to the window.

I looked through the window as I watched Kym's figure fade into the distance to the lumber fields. The train whistled." I should get going too" I say. As I walk out the front door I see Kayla's mom looking thoughtfully at my hand. " I will be okay, and thank you, my hand feels a lot better now," I said. I walked away slowly, waving at Kayla and her mom.

Five minutes after I arrived at the train station, a cargo train going to district 11 pulled into the train station. As I walk toward the passenger car, I heard the captain of the train say, "You could come over here if you want, Miss, we have food. As I walk over there I started getting drowsy and as soon as I sat down I dozed off. When I wake, the train has pulled into the district 11 train station. It was getting dark and I knew the peacekeepers would kill me if I was still out. As I ran home I remembered that the reaping was the next day. As I come toward the door of my house, my eyes start to flutter closed. I quickly stumble through the door, enter my bedroom, and crash on my bed .

I wake up again to the sound of birds twittering on the orchard. "Honey," I hear my step-mom' say, " The reaping is today, so take a shower, put on some nice clothes and come down to eat breakfast and let me do your hair. Okay?" "Sure," I say. But as soon as I pull of the covers I see that the bandages have come loose and that my wrist is swollen and is deep pink. I groan at the sight and put the bandages back on. I see that my mom has boiled the water for my bath and has put the bath salt in. As I slide into the foamy water I relax, but then I remember the reaping is today.

. . .

As I get out of the water I put on my undergarments and search for my reaping dress. My mom silently points out my dress, a beautiful short single-sleeved dress faded pink with deep purple frocks and a midnight blue belt. "This matches my hand" I think. "How much was it, mom?" "It was actually a gift from your aunt, she says it was your mother's," she replies."How come she never tells us my actual mom's name?" "She says she will tell you when the time is right." And with that she leaves. As I put on my dress I remember I hadn't said anything to my step cousin, Maple. But my mom calls me down for breakfast.

The stale bread was not as stale today, with the eggs that my mom had bought. I figured out that the mockingjays were out early and singing the Capitol tune. My hand moved slightly and I yelped in pain. A mockingjay flew down from the tree and flew to the table. It started pecking my hand for the bread crumbs, and I decided to name it Midnight. I told Midnight to fly away, but he refused to leave. Then I heard my step-mom coming back and I ripped a piece of bread of my toast. I threw it out the window and Midnight stared at me and saw the pleading in my eyes and flew away. "Paylor, are you ready? The reaping starts in five minutes, so we have to leave now."

The town square was decorated in the Capitol symbols. Walking over to the first station, I started shivering. The needle punctured my skin right over my bandage. The needle seared my arm with pain, but I kept it in.

I grimaced to the sight of the boy who liked me. His dark hair glistened in the sun. He was the only boy like me. I shook my head to clear my brain.

The sun seared my skin. The video of Capitol played as I moved my fingers. The man, Saturn the tributes mentor looks stunning. He has on a thick vine made suit and neon yellow hair. He has no makeup on. He says,"And now, for picking the two tributes of District 11. "From the girls side..." I see him reach into the big glass bowl. "Paylor Dove !" she exclaims. My step-mom screams. "Please come up here!" I see my cousin open her mouth, as if she is going to volunteer for me, but she just started to snigger. Everyone around me cleared away. I walked up the stage. "And now our second tribute... Bailey Green!"

The Rebel's Game {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin