"You're forgiven." I said then pulled my head up.

      "Okay. How about this Friday, you and I go and hang out. We can go out for pizza and maybe the movies or something." He said and I nodded. "That sounds nice." I looked over to him and gave him a small smile. "You're buying though." I told him and he laughed.

       "I wouldn't have it any other way."


      I had woken up and headed downstairs. My dad was sitting at table reading the paper and drinking his coffee. I went over to the freezer and popped some waffles in the toaster. I pulled out some chocolate milk and poured it into a cup. "Good morning dad," I said then took a sip of my milk.

    "Morning Katie," he said then turned the page of his paper. The usual Saturday. Quiet and calm. Hopefully. I left Lucy sleeping on my bed. She didn't really wake up this morning. She stirred a little bit but she seemed comfortable.

     My waffles popped up and I pulled them out. I buttered them and headed into the living room. I turned on the TV and started watching re runs of friends. They always played them all day. I sat for a little while and watched. I saw pretty much every episode, so none were new to me. This one was the one where they all went on vacation and everything just went wrong. It was still pretty funny.

     After an hour and a half of friends I decided to go back upstairs and take a shower. I went to the bathroom and jumped in. I didn't waste to much time because I didn't wash my hair. I just gently wet it and brushed through it. I knew if I tried to wash it again it would get dried out.

      I jumped out of the shower and wrapped myself into a towel. I wiped the mirror off and looked at myself. I looked at my face. My freckles looked like they were multiplying by the second. I shook my head and headed out into my bed room. I looked to my bed where Lucy was. She was still laying there but she was awake now. I could see her eyes open. I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top then walked over to her.

     I sat next to her on her bed and noticed her breathing. She was breathing fast. She was panting. I rubbed her head and she continued to pant. "Lucy?" I said and she tried to get up. She was moving slow. Definitely slower than usual. She eventually got herself to sit up, but she wasn't herself. Her mouth was continuously open and her panting had gotten worse. Her mouth had started drooling. She started putting her legs out in front of her and laid herself back down on my bed. My heart started racing. "Dad!" I screamed and hoped he heard me. I gave it a minute and then called him down again. Finally he heard me and came into the room.

"What are you screaming for? What's going on?" He said and then saw. "What's wrong?" He asked and came over. He kneeled down next to the bed and looked at her.

     "I don't know. She was sleeping and I came back and she woke up. And she's been panting and she can't even stand herself up." I could hear my voice shaking. I looked down and my hands were shaking too. This couldn't be it could it. Lucy couldn't be sick. Just how. "I'll go get some water." He said and hurried out of the room. He came back quicker than I could even think. He held the bowl under her mouth and she tried to shift over to reach it. I helped her get close to the bowl and she was able to drink a bit. She drank a bit and then stopped.

"Maybe we should take her to emergency room." My dad said and I nodded. Lucy had pretty much had a clean bill of health. We only had to go to the emergency room with her once in all our years. This was serious. We tried to get Lucy to come off the bed, but she hardly moved. My dad ended up picking her up, carrying her outside. We headed straight to the car. I opened the back door and he laid her down across the back seat. I got on the other side and sat next to her. She let out a small whimper and I felt my heart jump. I felt like my heart was going to burst.

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