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Later that day I found a sticky note similar to this morning, a smile brought to my face at the sight before me. I reread the note nearly ten times just to make sure I'm not seeing things. I enter my room with my eyes scanning the clock that hung on the wall, in my head I plan out my time. Setting down my washed clothes, I quickly hang them on the drying rack prior to continuing with my other chores.

Time seemed to slip past me as I gaze back to the clock, I have only an hour left. Running my hands through my hair aggravated I stop everything and attempt to look decent, rushed footsteps filled the room.

Fifth teen minutes were left until I was late, my legs running at the same speed as my mind, some of the tenants looking at me funny as I run. Not only within the building but even within the streets I was looked at, my breathing becoming unsteady as I continue at this pace. Eventually I stop, my hands grip onto my knees as I'm panting, my lungs feeling as if they were to collapse. Shortly after I find the strength to continue on, the destination near.

I collapse onto a nearby bench, my heart beating as fast as my feet were tingling.

"The view's nice, huh?" I turn to my left to find him looking at me, his eyes searching for my answer.

"It is nice," I say shakily as I am still out of breath. "But why here? Out of all places?" He turns back to look at the river before us, a mundane smile worn across his face.

"It's calming," He simply puts it. "It's my place of peace and where I can mindlessly think."

"I guess." I add.

"It's also a nice reminder to take a break once in a while," He continues. "Everyone's so caught up in what they're doing they forget to just stop and breathe." I nod understandingly as he start to mumble on, nature becoming our ambiance. Eventually we found ourselves striking up a conversation, some topics were philosophical while others were just stupid. By the end of it both of us had matching smiles - well expect his was a little lopsided but still.

We were about to continue but little droplets of rain began to fall, both of our attention focused to the sky. Almost immediately after it started to pour, Wooseok took off his coat and covered the two of us with it as we ran back to the boarding house. By the time we've reached shelter the coat was drenched while the two of us remained dry.

"Ah," He sighs as he holds the coat, little droplets falling from the coat onto the floor. "What do I do with this?"

"Here, let's go back to my room and dry it off." I suggest. "We can eat ramen in the meantime." He agrees to it as we head for my room, Wooseok making small talk in the meantime. "Yeah, it's wool." I continue to state. "It's better for it to be air dried."



Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
dirty laundry °  jung wooseokNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ