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Eunbyeol nearly went off if I hadn't cut her off.

"Good morning, Wooseok." I greet back, Eunbyeol looking back and forth between the two of us. He takes notice and looks over to Eunbyeol, her mouth slightly agape at the sight before her. "Oh, and this is Eunbyeol." I gesture Wooseok to Eunbyeol, she slightly waves as she's still unaware of what's going on. Afterwards Eunbyeol quietly eats as I start up a conversation with Wooseok, through the corners of my eyes I can still see Eunbyeol glancing every now and then. "You're up early."

"Yeah, Hyojong's snoring is becoming unbearable." He comments. I nod understandingly as the conversation starts to fall flat, quickly I try to come up with more to say.

"Do you want some of my porridge? I can go and quickly fetch another bowl."

"I'm fine," He responds as he holds up his hands for emphasis. "But thank you for the offer." He simply watches as the two of us continue to eat, Wooseok making little noises here and there just to remind us of his presence.

"So what are you up to today? Classes maybe?" I continue, Wooseok sheepishly smiling at the sudden question.

"I'm actually taking the semester off." He informs me. "But later on I'm suppose to meet up with an old friend." Eunbyeol coughs to clear her throat, most likely it's to make sure we're aware of her being here. Wooseok looks over at Eunbyeol who was a little flustered at the sudden eye contact before reverting his attention back to me. "Yeah, he's actually flying in from Japan so I have to be there early." His phone goes off before he's able to say more, his eyes fixed on his phone. He mutters something incoherent as he apologizes for leaving so abruptly. "I'm gonna be late, I'll get going first." When he leaves is when Eunbyeol pipes up, her bowl now empty.

"Yiseul-ah, why are you smiling so suddenly?"

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