Chapter 1 🎩 Little Girl

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I ran through the beautiful emerald green forest, every once and awhile I'd look up and stare at the birds flying above and wonder what it was like to fly. I stopped and sat on a big brown fallen tree covered in moss, a blue bird landed next to me and tweeted. I've always wanted to be one cause they can fly anywhere they want and they can fly away from there problems unlike me who is stuck with my mother and father who force me to work and by work I mean collect rocks and moss and other things to create jewelry to sell at the market.

I was only 9 years old and my parents sent me out here everyday. Alone. I looked up at the sky to see the stars starting to show and I knew mother and father would kill me if I wasn't home before the sky was completely dark. I ran until I finally reached home.
"Mother! Father! I'm home!" I said placing down my brown leather bag filled with different things I had found in the forest.
"Well it's about time Y/N" my mother said walking in from outside, her golden/Brown hair moved from side to side as she walked I had her E/C and her facial features. My father walked in as well he had black wavy hair and was strong he use to be a knight for the queen but quit when I was born.

"Lets see what you got" my mother said opening my bag and pulling out different things. I saw disappointment in her eyes until her eyes meet an purple stone I had found in the stream not far from our cottage.
"It's so beautiful" my mother said holding it and rubbing her thumb over it
"It will make a lovely necklace" my father said smiling and going to cut up some tomatoes for dinner. My mother placed the stone on the table and looked at me
"Y/N your almost 10 you know what that means don't you?" My mother said cocking an eyebrow
" means that I will be taken to the kingdom and trained to be a knight and if I'm not good I will be sent back here" I said looking down causing my H/C hair to fall over my face.
Mother sighed "do you want dinner?" She said hopefully. I never really wanted dinner for some reason.
"No." I simply said and ran to my room.

That night when my parents where in slumber I heard a strange noise outside like yelling? Or screaming? I poked my head out of my window and looked around the woods and of course I saw nobody expect one thing something was flying in the air gliding with the wind. A black TopHat.

Chapters will be longer as I go on! I created this cause I recently started watching once upon a time and I fell in love with the Mad Hatter so I decided to create a fanfic! Feel free to leave comments! 🖤

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