Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Jaycee's Point of View*

"Over two years and that's all you've got?" I asked sarcastically. My head whipped back with the force of the blow. "Now that's more like it!" I said, spitting blood from my mouth.

"Niña tonta, you just don't know when to stop talking, do you?" the man replied in a heavy accent. [Translation: silly girl.]

I smirked, "At least I know how to deliver a hit." I gasped for breath, the blow going to my gut this time. He raised his hand to smack me again when a man came running into the room.

"I thought I told you not to disturb us!" he yelled at our guest.

The poor man was literally shaking in his boots. "Lo siento, pero quieres escuchar este." [Translation: I'm sorry, but you want to hear this.]

"Very well, dices me," he demanded. [Translation: tell me.]

"Solo le," he said, glancing at me. Not looking happy, he stormed over and grabbed the guy by the scruff of his neck, pulling him out into the hallway. [Translation: only you.]

A few minutes later, the door opened and he strode back in.

"Why do you look so happy, Trujillo?" I asked with a sarcastic edge to my voice.

"Why don't you come take a walk with me and find out?" he asked, still far too cheerful for my liking.


"So, it's a funny story, really," Trujillo began, leading me at gunpoint through his warehouse. "Here I was, spending hours upon hours trying to come up with a plan to attack AMF and take out everyone. I spent days staring at blue prints and different reports."

"How sweet, all of that for little old me?" I said sarcastically. My head snapped back from the force of his blow, making me smirk. I guess I struck a nerve.

He turned to me with an evil smile on his face. "It turns out that all of my efforts were useless. Here I was slaving over all of these papers to figure out how to get you out of that building, when you decide to walk straight through my front door!"

"What a lovely stroll it was too! I'm sure the men I ran into wouldn't have quite the same opinion as I do, however." I really just couldn't help myself. The blow went to my knee this time. I fell, but was yanked to my feet by Trujillo.

We continued walking, him still holding the gun to my back. "And as if your arrival wasn't enough," he said cheerfully. We had reached the largest room in the warehouse by now. "Your friends decided to join you!"

I held my smirk in place as I listened to what he said, even as it threatened to fall. I looked to where he was pointing, and I finally understood what he meant. "You have got to be kidding me," I muttered. In the middle of the warehouse floor, tied up and bruised, were Jaxon, Drake, Taylor, and the seven recruits. Those idiots were going to get themselves killed. Why couldn't they have just left me to deal with Trujillo?

He pushed me towards them, a victorious smile still on his face. I refused to show him how much their arrival affected me, instead striding ahead of him. He stopped me when I was standing right in front of them. "They weren't nearly as polite as you, Jaycee. They came in guns blazing, attempting to murder every single one of my people. Now that just isn't good manners."

"I couldn't agree more, Alberto," I replied. I smirked at the scowl he gave me from me using his first name. "What, I thought we were on the first name basis?"

"We certainly are not," he spat out.

"Whatever you say, Alberto." Will I ever learn to keep my mouth shut. There were gasps and angry mutterings from my friends as the smack cranked my head to the side and blood filled my mouth. I smirked evilly. Then, I opened up my mouth and spat on Trujillo's shoes.

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