Chapter Seventeen

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"What was that about?"

I looked over at Taylor who was watching me with curiosity. "What was what about?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me! What did Jaxon say to you?" she pestered.

I glanced around to make sure none of the recruits were listening to us. They were all consumed with changing out of their dresses and into their pajamas to go back to bed. They weren't paying us any attention. "He may have mentioned something about liking my dress," I said, lowering my voice.

"He what?" Taylor exclaimed. All the girls turned to look at us as I glared at Taylor, shushing her. Eventually the girls turned back around and Taylor lowered her voice considerably as she repeated, "He what?"

I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to let this go. "He said he liked my dress."

"Well, what does that mean?" she asked.

"It doesn't matter what it means, Taylor. I'm not going there. We are doing this last mission together and then he is leaving again."

"What if he doesn't leave?"

"He's going to leave, just like last time."


"No buts. That's just how things are, okay?"

She looked like she wanted to argue, but wisely decided against it. I finished hanging the dress in my locker and laid down on my bed.

As I laid there, the other girls slowly made their way to bed. Taylor turned off the lights and got in bed last. Their breathing evened out one by one, until everyone was asleep. I replayed the night's events in my mind before I finally drifting off to sleep.


"Do not even attempt to blow that horn or you will regret the consequences," I stated, not opening my eyes from where I was laying in my bed.

"You are no fun," Drake said before stomping away like a child. I chuckled, but didn't move from my spot. I could hear the other girls slowly getting up and going to get dressed. I did not want to move, though.

All the other girls got dressed and made their way out of the room, leaving me in silence. Until the door banged open, that is. I had my eyes closed still, but I could tell it was Jaxon.

Before I could issue another bit of incentive for him to leave me alone, he said, "Alright sleeping beauty, time to wake up." I felt Jaxon's arms underneath my legs and back before he quickly scooped me up off the bed and threw me over his shoulder, running out the door.

"Jaxon!" I screamed, my eyes snapping open to see his backside inches from my face. "Jaxon, put me down!" I yelled.

"If you say so," he said, laughing. He dropped me.

I landed in a bucket full of ice water. "Seriously?" I shouted, jumping up from the bucket. "What is it with you guys and water recently?"

Drake and Jaxon couldn't answer, though, because they were too busy rolling around on the floor laughing. All the recruits were laughing as well, and even Taylor was trying to repress some giggles.

"I'm up now! Happy?" I asked. That just caused more laughter, especially when I turned around to walk back into the dormitory to change and they saw the wet spot on the back of my pants.

I sighed as I walked into the girls' dorm, opening my locker and pulling out track pants and a long sleeve shirt. I dressed quickly before heading back out to the main room. This was going to be a long day.


"Weight lifting today. Enjoy," I said, my bad mood obvious. The recruits quickly scampered off, going to different stations. I walked over to the storage closet full of the equipment we used on missions. Jaxon followed me, leaning against the door frame as I searched through boxes.

"Jay, we need to talk."

I ignored him, standing up when I found what I was looking for. With two ear piece communicators in my hand, I turned and squeezed passed Jaxon to get out the door. I walked over to the wall by the elevator that had the huge control panel on it.

Again, Jaxon followed me. I pushed a couple of buttons, setting the system up so it would work how I wanted it to. Then, I stuck one of the ear pieces in my ear, testing to make sure my music was playing.

"So, you're just going to ignore me?" Jaxon asked as I put in my other ear piece.

"Sorry, can't hear you," I said, pointing to my ears.

"Sure you can't," he said, annoyance pouring from him. I walked over to a tread mill. With my music blasting in my ears to drown out everyone else, I started running.


The ear piece was pulled from my ear, effectively breaking me from my focus. I took out the other ear piece, cutting off the music, and turned towards Drake, who was standing there with an amused smile on his face.

"What the heck bro?" I asked, referring to why he took my ear piece.

"AMF equipment is not to be used for personal reasons," he said with mock authority.

I scoffed and said, "Coming from the guy who uses the jet propulsion packs to blow dry his hair."

Drake's face reddened slightly, but he didn't let it show. He just gave me a 'what can you do' shrug, the amused smile still on his face.

He handed me back my ear piece, and, as he turned away, said, "You're hand is bleeding"

I furrowed my brows at his comment. How was I bleeding? I looked down at my hand to see he was right. There was blood almost dripping from my bandages where I had gripped the treadmill too tightly.

I forgot about punching the mirror the other day. I sighed, walking over to where Drake, Taylor, and Jaxon were sitting against the wall taking a break. The first-aid kit was next to them. I slid down the wall, sitting next to Drake.

They watched with amusement as I unwrapped the bloody gauze, setting it aside and reaching for the first-aid kit next to me.

"It's a new record folks! Day three of the injury and it was already forgotten!" Drake said in an announcer's voice. I rolled my eyes as they laughed.

"You have to admit it, Jay, that's pretty bad, even for you," Jaxon said.

I gave in, chucking with them. "Yeah, whatever," I said, refusing to let them win completely. I finished cleaning the blood off my hand and rewrapped it with new, clean gauze. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was twelve o'clock.

I turned to where the recruits were working out. "Lunch time!" I called. The recruits stopped what they were doing and made their way to the kitchen. Taylor and Jaxon stood up to go get our lunch, leaving Drake and I alone.

"Are you okay, Jaycee?" Drake asked softly.

"What do you mean?" I answered, confused.

"You went insane instructor on the recruits and punched a mirror. Then, you turn around and get into a prank war with us, just like old times. Now, you are walking around, showing off your scars. I haven't seen you wear anything less than a long sleeve and pants in a while."

I thought about it for a minute. He was right. I was acting really weird lately. I couldn't explain why though, at least not to him. "I don't know Drake. Everything... It's just so weird for me. Having all you guys back, ya know? I guess I'm having trouble adapting."

Drake didn't say anything, just nodded. He put his arm around me, pulling me into a half hug. "I'm sorry I left you," he whispered.

Jaxon and Taylor came back with the picnic just then, so we broke apart and stood up, helping them spread out the blanket.

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