Chapter Sixteen

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The rest of the day went by quickly. I woke up from my nap a little while later, and we taught the recruits some hand-to-hand combat and worked with the guns a little more. After showers, we came out to find Crystal in the kitchen, cooking a huge dinner. Seeing as we had been practically living off of sandwiches, the warm meal was welcome.

It was late when we finished dinner, so I called lights out and sent everyone to bed. Everyone had shuffled to the dorms, and I changed into my usual hoodie and sweats before climbing into my bed, falling asleep to the quiet chatter as the other girls followed my example.

I woke up three hours later to find everyone still asleep. Checking the clock, I saw that it was four in the morning. I had overslept.

As quickly as I could, I jumped out of bed and quietly woke up Taylor.

"What time is it?" she grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Four," I stated.

She jumped up from the bed, "Four! Why didn't you wake me before now?"

"It's four o'clock in the morning Taylor, I figured you could at least use a couple hours of sleep."

Her energy dissipated, returning her to sleepiness. When what I said finally registered, she angrily asked me, "Why did you wake me up at four in the morning?"

"We have work to do," I said, smirking. She understood what I meant and nodded, a smirk of her own coming to her lips. "Let's wake the others, shall we?" I asked.

We roused the rest of the recruits, none of them happy to be woken up with just a couple hours of sleep.

I stood in front of them, my hands clasped behind me, my feet spread, and my back straight. Taylor had the same stance next to me while all the other recruits were yawning and barely staying upright.

I started with, "An all-out war has started. We did not start this war, but it is my intention to finish it." All the girls looked a little confused, but I knew they would catch up eventually.

"The boys have planned a mission for tonight named Operation Grenade Training. They have stashed water balloons on the compound and plan to attack at midnight. They will infiltrate the girls' dorm and launch the balloons from there." Shifting my gaze, I said, "Our plan is to intercept the enemy before they make their first move." I went on to explain the details of my plan, maintaining my blank mask the entire time.

When I was done speaking, the girls all looked very excited with my plan. I asked, "Are you in?" They nodded their heads vigorously. "Then let's get started."

Our plan was simple. We go to the room where the boys were hiding the water balloons. We set up there, standing in formation waiting for them. When they walk into the room, we start the music and begin dancing. The dance would provide distraction and keep the boys in their spots. At the end of the dance, we would use the boys' water balloons against them, hitting them while they were vulnerable.

I started by showing the girls the dance we would be doing.

It was one I had learned years ago when I was a little kid. I had begged and begged Drake to let me take dance classes even though we barely had money to feed all of the foster kids, since our foster father was worthless. In the end he conceded, and he would sit watching me in my dance classes every day. It had been a long time since then, though.

After everyone had the dance down, I started on the next piece of the plan.

I led them to the showers and stopped in front of the far stall labelled 'Out of Order.'

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is," Taylor asked, a groan escaping her as she realized what the plan entailed.

"I could, but then I'd be lying," I answered cheerfully. She groaned again in response, causing me to laugh. I turned to the recruits, "Ladies, welcome to the next phase of Operation Intercept." I pulled back the shower curtain.

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