Chapter 1

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             Molly Hooper sat down next to her best friend in the dining hall. Usually, she would have bought a tray, but the line was longer than usual today and her class had been excused to lunch late.

            “Not eating?” Her best friend, Mary Morstan, asked her.

            “No,” Molly said, shaking her head. “The line's a bit long today.”

            Mary took a bag of carrots out of her lunch sack and handed it to Molly. “Mr. Garoff let you out late again?”

            Molly took the bag and took out a carrot, taking a bite of it. “Yeah.”

            “He is such a prick.” Mary said.

            “I know.” Molly agreed.

            They silently ate for a few minutes. Molly finished her carrots, and then looked over at Mary who was eating a sandwich. Mary was very pretty, in Molly’s opinion. She had short blonde hair that came right below her ears and green eyes. Her tie was undone, which she was sure to get in trouble for later.  Other than that, her uniform was always the way it should be. She had pale, flawless skin. Molly wished she were as beautiful as her best friend.

            Mary finished her sandwich and put all of her trash back into her sack. “Molly?”

            “Yes?” Molly answered.

            “Wanna come over later?” Mary asked. “Or we could go to the cinema. I heard there was some romance comedy movie that is really good.”

            “I’d love to,” Molly said. “But Dad is back in hospital. I promised I would hang out for a few hours after school.”

            “Oh my god, is he okay?” Mary asked, worry in her voice.

            “No,” Molly said sadly. “He’s in pretty bad shape.”

            Mary wrapped her arms around Molly. “I’m sorry.”

            Molly wrapped hers around Mary as she spoke. “It’s okay. He’s been ill for so long now. It’ll be best if it’s over soon.”

            After they pulled away from each other, Molly wiped a tear off her cheek. She loved her father so much, but she hated to see him suffer. He had had leukemia for three years, and it only seemed to be getting worse.

            “You know what?” Molly said. “We can go out for coffee before I visit him. We haven’t done that in a long time.”

            “Sounds great,” Mary said, giving Molly a smile.

            The bell rang and Molly and Mary got up, throwing their trash in the nearest bin and walking out of the dining hall.

~         ~         ~         ~

            Molly and Mary walked to Starbucks after school. When they stepped in side, they sat down at an empty table in the far corner of the room. They looked around for a moment, and then Molly finally got up.

            “Double chocolate caramel frappe?” Molly asked.

            Mary smiled. “You know me so well.”

            Molly smiled back and walked to the counter. The man at the counter asked for her order and she told him, “Double chocolate Frappuccino and double chocolate chip Frappuccino.” The man nodded his head and told his coworkers the order, who then began to make it. Molly paid the man, and then turned her back, leaning against the counter.  Starbucks was empty besides Mary, herself, and the employees. She crossed her arms as she waited and looked towards the door. It was about time for Starbucks to become packed with students.

            The first person to come in was a boy named John Watson. He had sandy blonde hair and was in a year above her. John stopped in the doorway and looked behind him. He made an expression, as if he were communicating with someone through looks, and nodded his head, turning back round and walking to the counter.

            “Hello.” He said to Molly.

            “Um, hi.” Molly said.

            John ordered his coffee and sat down at a table across from where Mary sat. Moments later, another boy in his grade walked in. He was tall with curly brown hair. His cheekbones were striking and his eyes were a magnificent mix of blue, silver, and gold.

            Molly had a schoolgirl crush on him, but most people saw him as a prick. They would call him ‘Machine’, and even some called him a robot. If he were a robot, he would have no feelings, yes? Well, that was Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes, the man who was now standing next to Molly.

            “Are you alright?” He asked, snapping Molly out of her thoughts.

            “Oh,” Molly said, blushing. “Um, yes. I was just – just thinking.”

            “Okay then,” Sherlock said. “Then I’ll say it again. Hello Molly Hooper.”

            “Hello, Sherlock.” Molly said, turning her head to him.

            “Can I help you?” The man at the counter asked him as he set Molly’s order on the counter. “Here you go ma’me.”

            “Thanks.” Molly said quietly. She grabbed the Frappuccino’s and turned to walk away as Sherlock ordered his coffee.

            “Black,” Sherlock said. “Two sugars.”

            “That’s it?” The man asked.

            “Yes.” Sherlock said.

            “Oh, and this is for that boy over there.” The man said, handing Sherlock John’s order. “Take it to him, will ya?”

            Molly sat down across from Mary, who was grinning wildly.  Molly handed her the frappe and started to drink her own. Mary just kept looking at her, and Molly already knew why. She tried to ignore her friend’s stare, but after two minutes, it was getting creepy.

            “What?” Molly asked as more students started coming in.

            “Sherlock Holmes.” Mary said.

            “What about him?” Molly said, sipping again on her frappe.

            “You talked to him?”


            “What did he say?”

            Molly rolled her eyes. “He said ‘Hello, Molly Hooper.’”

            Mary’s grin didn’t fade.

            “What?” Molly asked again.

            “Oh, nothing.” Mary giggled as she finally took a sip of her own coffee.

    Thank you again to @ItsJustAMagicTrick for the idea for this story! I'll try to update often. c:

     I hope you all enjoy this story! :3 xxx


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