Chapter 11

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~ Nico ~

They trudged down the street, hand in hand. "That was horrible." Will admitted.

"Yeah, it totally sucked." Nico agreed, he glanced at Will and frowned, "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"You're about to blame yourself."

"I am not."

"I can tell, you do this stupid thing where you get this look on your face. It's not your fault."


"Will, stop it. You're bumming me out."

"You're always bummed out." Will pointed out.

"Rude." Nico picked up a lump of snow and chucked it at his boyfriend, it hit Will square in the chest.

"What the hell was that for?" Will demanded, he scooped up a pile of snow and dropped it, "Shit, I forgot I wasn't wearing my gloves."

Nico laughed and wiggled his fingers, "Thats because you gave them to meeee."

"Oh it is so on, di Angelo." Will scooped up the snow and lobbed it at him, ignoring the fact that he didn't have any gloves.

Nico dogged and hurled another snowball at Will, "You can do better than that Solace." He taunted.

Will kept throwing snowballs and Nico kept dogging, "For a son of Apollo, you have horrible aim."

"You know I suck at archery."

"You do not suck at archery." He said, chucking another snowball at Will.

They only stopped when Will said his hands were about to fall off, their lungs were frozen and so were their limbs. But Nico's chest was burning.

"Uh, Neeks."


"I have something for you."

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Christmas isn't until tomorrow."

Will shrugged, "Right now just feels like the right time... I guess." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, he ran a hand through his hair, "So... um..." Will took a deep breath, "I... I just want you to know how much I love you. And I know we've only been together for a few months but they've been the best months of my life and that's kinda sad because some pretty terrible stuff happened but having you by my side made up for it... Its only been like four months, but I feel like you're the one. I mean it's stupid, and I know that. I mean, I know we're only sixteen, well you're almost sixteen, and you're not supposed to say stuff like this when you're still young but... But I don't care, I just don't want this to end. I think you're the one for me and I want you..... if that's okay."As he spoke Wills voice got more and more confident. When he was done he looked at Nico and the son of Hades could feel himself melting.

"Of course it's okay." Nico managed. "It's more than okay."

Will smiled self consciously, then he grinned, "You're blushing!" He exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Nico said, crossing his arms.

Will grinned and passed him the box and he opened it, inside were two charms. They were both disks, one was golden and the other one was some sort of dark medal. He picked them up slowly and examined them, on front of the gold one there was a small engraving of of a pair of angel wings, the other one had a tiny sun.

"Harley helped me a bit"

"A bit?"

"Okay he did the entire thing." Will admitted.

"They're perfect."

Will smiled, he looked over the moon, but before he could say anything else Nico launched himself at the son of Apollo, who laughed as Nico grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.

When he pulled away they were both breathless.

Will picked him up and spun him in a circle. "You're incredible."

And that was a moment Nico never wanted to forget. It felt like a fucking movie, the snow fell around them and their lips met.

When he pulled away Will beamed at him, "You know what I like about you?"



Nico tilted his head, "Everything? Even the fact that I...." He let his voice trail off as he leaned in closer and wrapped himself around Will. "Don't blush." Nico whispered, his lips brushing against Wills.

Will rolled his eyes, "Okay, everything but that."

* * *

"Sorry about tonight." Will said.

"It wasn't all bad." Nico said, hanging his coat up. "Personally I think my brilliant snowball fight saved it."

Will looked over at him and have him a smile that made Nico's heart melt, "You know, when I met you... you were so different. All dark and gloomy. Now you're..." His voice trailed off, like he didn't know what he was trying to say.

"I still don't know what made you like me." Nico said as he sat down on the couch.

"You think I know?" Will asked him.

Nico shrugged and put his head in Wills lap, "What did you see in me?"

"Nothing." Will knocked on Nico's head, "It's empty in there."

Nico swatted his hand away, "I'm serious Will."

"Well, to be honest, at first I saw a scared little boy who didn't know how to deal with how he felt. I knew were he had been and I just wanted to help him. But that was when I was twelve." He curled Nico's hair around his finger, "But when I saw you on half-blood hill, exhausted and dying... I thought you looked hot.... and I told myself that I wasn't about to fall for the son of Hades."

"You fucked that up, didn't you?"

"Yeah, don't remind me." He locked eyes with Nico, "Biggest mistake of my life." He said, leaning in and kissing Nico on the cheek.

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