Cody: found love

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All Cody's life, he has been outcasted by his entire village. He was always told that one day he would find his soulmate. His younger brother, Drew would always tease him for being alone. The spirits were punishing him more than Ari or Zach, every night he would have dreams of Ari, that she was in his arms. Right when he would go to touch her in his dreams, that's when the nightmares start. She would start to slip away and different terrors would happen every night. His parents worry grew throughout the years, they seeked answers to why their sweet son was being terrorized in his dreams. When Cody was 10, his parents were fed up with his night terrors, so they contacted the spirits. They told the spirits "We are begging you, almighty spirits, what is wrong with our son, how can we stop these terrors?" The spirits just laughed and said "The only way is to find the girl from the dream, she is his soulmate. We will not help you but we will tell you her name and when you have found her. Once she is found, Cody will be happy and the terrors will stop." His mom then asked, with small hope "Oh mighty spirits, what is the name of the mystery girl?" The spirits said "Her name is Ari, the most beautiful girl in the world, who does not have a soulmate. You will save her from the terrors she is facing and protect her no matter what. Failure to do so will result in even worse terrors." Cody fearfully agreed. It might have taken 7 years, but he finally found her. She was even more beautiful than spirits described her. He was falling for her before even knowing anything about her. Her kind, big brown eyes hooked him in, the way her tiny body showed her ribs through her clothes; he knew exactly what terrors she was facing. The terrors weren't nightmares like his, they were the physical pain of being alone, she starved herself. At that moment he knew he had to protect her no matter what.

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