2: "my fiancé"

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Jungkook's POV
I looked at myself in the mirror in shock, I just cheated on my precious Soori?

I decided to take a quick shower since I REEKED of sweat.
As I was in the shower the whole "mistake" came back to me and I hit my head on the bath.


How am I going to tell Soori that I had just cheated on her?

"Hi Soori, I fucked another girl behind your back please forgive me!"


"Soori, I did something terrible..."

"What was it honey"

"I cheated on you"

"Don't worry~"

Soori will never be soft like that! What the hell am I thinking.

I guess that I will have to keep this a secret after all.

It should be fine it was a one time thing.

Soori will understand, IF she were to find out.

Who am I kidding, Soori is one of the toughest girls I've ever met and she will kick my ass if she were to find out about ANY of this.

Fuck my life IM OUT!

"Hello is this Lisa?"

The Affair {Jeon Jungkook}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن