001. a matter of pride

591 32 19

🌱 Visit #1

IT STARTS when a very pretty girl walks in the DunBouquet Flower Shop, and Merida tries not to choke on the coffee she's drinking.

     It was literally only yesterday evening, a few hours ago, when she vowed she wasn't interested in dating. She even poured an entire glass of cheap liquor on Jack's head when he teased and made bets that she'd find someone to date 'now that he's in the city'. She laughed straight at his face for five whole minutes. Unbelievable.

     (With that in mind, Merida absolutely is not planning to stomp down her emotions and not get this girl on a date just to prove herself to Jack, except she sort of is.)

     It's not petty, she thinks. In fact, maybe it's just a matter of pride? Merida detests that smug 'I told you so' grin Jack shows at any occasion possible. Besides, she's terrible at flirting. For all she knows, she'll just drive this person away.

     This person who draws her eyes like a full moon on a starless night. Merida shamefully looks away when she realises she's been staring. Gods. Against her will she sees the person looking at the wildflower arrangement. The ones she prepared herself (see: without the advice of her mother or anyone else; by herself) and overlooked by the few people who visit the shop, and Merida shouldn't be flattered as fuck, but then the person picks up the bouquet and approaches the counter. Nooo

     "Um, so, what'll it be for today?" What a dumb question, she's literally holding the flowers. Merida plans to bang her head against the wall fifty times when she gets home.

     She's prettier up close, with platinum blonde hair tied in a messy updo and unrealistically beautiful blue eyes, Merida finds herself squinting a bit, pathetic as she already is. The woman smiles and she literally feels her breath hitch (this is so unlike her, and she's so damn thankful none of her friends are here to witness this).

     "I really liked these" — she looks down and yep, those are definitely the flowers Merida arranged. "Though instead, can you please arrange something new but similar? Maybe a bit more extravagant?"

     "Sure," Merida says, finally finding her not-embarrassing voice while pulling out a pen and paper. "Can I get any details?"

     "Okay, um, this may sound weird but, can it go with something along the lines of 'I know our first meeting was awkward but I'd really like to see you again'." She smiles bashfully. "Maybe add a flower for courtship as well?"

     Merida writes it down dutifully, she tries to think of courting flowers but nothing comes to mind, maybe affectionate flowers instead? There's — oh. Merida sends her a smile, trying not to seem so downhearted. "I don't really recall there being any flower of courtship, but is there any flower you wanted in particular?"

     The woman looks down and turns pink slightly out of embarrassment. Merida would've felt guiltier if she didn't find it so adorable and — nope. Stop right there. "Sorry, I'm not much help. I don't really know a lot about flowers."

     "That's okay. A wildflower bouquet that screams affection, then?" she clarifies instead and then gestures to some of the bouquets they have behind her on the shelf. "I can add pink camellias and, uh, geranium. They symbolize, um, clumsiness and love."

     When she looks back, Merida sees the woman's eyes on her, which makes her wonder if she rambled. Believe it or not, customers would berate her for rambling about possible bouquet ideas – among other things, like how she presented herself.

     The woman nods eagerly. Merida takes that as a 'yes' and hands her their customary form. "Just fill this up and it should be delivered some time along the week." She pauses accidentally and realises something. "Or whenever you want it delivered, I mean." Gods, she's a mess.

     "Thank you." The woman begins writing and honestly, Merida shouldn't feel so disappointed. Of course, she already has someone in her life! Pretty girls are allowed to have significant others. Merida is getting ahead of herself. This woman could be straight for all Merida knows!

     She finishes writing and then hands back the paper to Merida with an apologetic smile before pulling out her purse. "I'm sorry again."

     Merida smiles again, something friendlier this time. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

     And it is. At least Jack won't show her that stupid grin again.


A/N: there may be a lack of media for the next few chapters but that's only because this was originally intended to be a one-shot. so, that's that lmao

also, comments and votes are always appreciated :-D

"i can give you calla-lilies if you'll let me calla -later"

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