When the moon is full

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Do you feel strong for no reason at all or maybe the opposite.

Someone once said that crazy people come out when the moon is full.

Maybe it effects people in ways no one can understand.

I myself find myself weak during a new moon, but growing stronger as the moon turns full.

Maybe it's not the moon at all, but the light it reflects.

Something about the weakened sunlight shinning above when the Sun is no longer in sight.

If the crazy people come out during a full moon, does that mean the crazier people come out during the day?

On nights like this I find myself outside.

Enjoying the glow of the hypnotic moon up above.

Then I find myself in a dream, though I don't remember falling asleep.

I'm walking through the streets with other people.

We are all heading to the same place.

A clearing in the woods, where the moon is highest and most beautiful.

A calm washes over me despite the many strangers.

A glow fills the air.

Looking up at the moon we all begin to glow.

Then I close my eyes only for a moment and the moments gone.

When I open them I'm in my bed.

Well rested and renewed with strength.

I feel happiness at the memory of the dream.

As I stroll through town I see people from the dream, and they look happy as well.

I wave to these strangers wondering if they had a similar dream.

I always feel best right after the full moon.

The next day I get weak and seem to fall ill.

What is this moon?

What is it doing to me?

Is it like a drug, calling me back every time I try to leave?

Is it a miracle, giving me hope every time it returns?

People have associated the moon with evil for so long.

I wonder what started that.

When I see the moon it's always a dazzling sight.

A bright white orb with it's few imperfections.

I decided to camp out in the clearing.

Maybe I'll find out if I see it once more.

When the moon is full.

One-Shot Horrorsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن