#114 the reaper

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This man was one of my first minions, though obviously not my favorite. He was basically a serial killer. These type of people are very common, or were, and they don't bring in the fear as well as a torture chamber or even a king would.

Anyways he started out a farmer who was a normal good-hearted person.

He and others like him farmed for the city in which they lived. The king of that city died and gave way to a greedier king. This king had left most of the city in poverty after basically robbing them of any wealth they possesed.

Guards would constantly roam the farm areas on horseback lashing out at the farmers and literally beating them up when they weren't stealing their crops for the king. Any who opposed this king died in the form of execution while the entire town was forced to watch, those that didn't met the same fate.

A group of people gathered one night deciding they should overthrow the king. They decided every night they would kill off some guards in their sleep with poison so they could overthrow the king when they were spread too thin. Some said they would just kill as many as possible in the night focusing more on the number they were up against rather than the issue of getting caught.

The group split in two. Those who planned to poison the king and those who would kill off guards, patrols, and other soldiers that made themselves easy targets during the night.

Most went for clean kills by going for the throat so they couldn't scream or last long in general.

The farmer was ignorant of these tactics. The first night he wore a dark robe and brought his farming scythe figuring it would be safer than useing a small knife.

Now the guards had torches and spears during the night so he figured his weapon was best though he did bring a smaller hand scythe and a knife just in case, the hand scythe slightly curved like his long one.

Sneaking around the crops for awhile he finally found a guard carrying his torch through the night. He didn't realize there were two guards and went for the lead one with the torch. He tripped him up and planted his scythe into the guards chest. If the torch hadn't gone out he'd be dead at this point.

The second guard thrust his spear forward just barely managing to slice a mark across his cheek. The farmer quickly ran away forgetting his tool he left in the first guard.

The next day the story had spread of a reaper that had been spotted and killed during the night. Reapers were believed to be evil spirits that roamed the night killing people during this time. People actually believed the story and figured the other guards death was inevitable at the thought of a reaper appearing. The fact that the other guard killed it was the talk of the town.

The group had a meeting to discuss the possibilities of a monster roaming at night only to find out it was the farmer. At first they were angry and fearful that they might be found out. Then they realized they could use the rumors to their advantage.

And so they all pretended to be reapers at night,  killing off guards at night using farming tools while covered in dark robes. A week later the guards began to finally suspect the farmers, none of them had encountered a single reaper afterall.

The farmer at this point had already began enjoying killing but by catching this bit of information by chance he got an idea.

If farmers were to start dying during the night as well as guards no one would suspect the farmers, of course the reaper knew no one would agree to do such a thing so he took it upon himself denying that he took any pleasure from it.

The next meeting they decided to stop as there was an actual reaper out know and all the killing must have brought it.

The reaper knew this as it was just as he planned. All the killing would be done by him and no one would be the wiser. A month went by before the inevitable occured.

He was found out and ratted out to the guards. As he was being executed he called to me asking for help, to allow him to continue killing once more. I was just getting to the point were I'd had enough of the other gods when I heard his call.

He was reborn a reaper sleeping during the day and mutilating during the night. This is when my plan had started to form, the plan to conquer this world. To do so I would need an army of powerful monsters. The reaper was only slightly stronger than a normal reaper though he would become a necessary stepping stone to gain more stronger spirits just as loyal as he became.

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