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"Your in the room why are you saying I'll be right there you idiot!"
"Sorry this is scary!"
All of sudden it was over well the first baby was out.
We could hear Nicole barba crying then we could hear Olivia crying and screaming it was a hell hole.
"It's ok liv everything is going to be fine."
Then we heard little amber barba crying and everything was perfect our little baby's were born.
------2weeks later------------------------
I had forgot all of my stuff at work so I had the baby's and had to take them both into the station while I grabbed my stuff.
"Hey everyone."
I said as I walked in.
"Hey liv you back al-"
They stopped when they saw the baby's
"Awww can I see them!"
Amanda said.
"Ya of course just be quiet they are sleeping."
Amanda lifted up the blankets on the carriers and gave them kisses on their foreheads.
Then amber started to cry, I could tell it was annoying to a lot of people so
I grabbed them and went into the cribs fed the baby's got my stuff and went home.

Sorry it's so short I've got writers block lol plz comment what should be in the next chapter!!😊❤️👍 and plz vote

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