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You want to go out with me!?"
Oh no what did I do what did I do!!!!
Olivia's pov~
I was so happy that Rafael asked me out!
I got home and thought about what he said and I thought some more and decided when I go to work tomorrow I'm going to say yes.
-------the next day at the precinct-----
I walked in smiling that is very rare considering what I do for a living so Fin asked
"Hey baby girl why so happy?"
I looked up at him still smiling and said
"I got someone special in my life."
"Oh wow who is he? Or wait is it a she please don't let it be a she?!"
"No Fin it's a guy and I can't tell you.. well yet."
Then he walked in.
"Hi detective benson! Can I talk to you please."
"Uh ya sure let's go in this inttaragation room."
I said pointing the one on the left of the captains office.
We walked in.
"So Olivia what I said yesterday.."
"Yes I will go on a date with you."
I saw a small little smile appear on his face we laughed a little and then hugged it was the best hug I've had since...
"So when do you want me to pick you up?"
"Maybe 5:30?"
"Of course I have the perfect place in mind!"
I smiled we hugged again and walked out I was so happy I was dating someone so amazing!

I hope you liked it the next chapter is going to be them on there romantic date then there going to announce there getting together and then I'm going to skip along to some more interesting things.😊😊❤️

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