Ali opened her eyes to see Zayne asleep in front of her, his silver hair covering one of his eyes. One of his arms was around her, pinning her to the bed. She bit her lip and shook him, trying to wake him without being aggressive. "Zayne!" She whisper yelled. She pushed on his chest gently. "Zayne, wake up."

Zayne opened one green eye and saw Alistair in front of him. He opened the other eye slowly and smiled, "Hey."

Ali couldn't help but laugh at that. She smiled, "Can we go to the Academy before my classes start?"

Zayne rolled his eyes with a smile. "I suppose." He groaned and sat up.

Alistair frowned as his heat left her. "You're really warm." She accidentally spoke her thoughts aloud.

"It's natural." He smiled. "I am a werewolf."

"I know." Alistair grinned. She stood up and walked over to the door. "Is it a long walk?"

"Do you want it to be?" Zayne rose a dark eyebrow.

Alistair couldn't fight the smile that followed. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just asking you how much time you want to spend with me?" Zayne opened the door.

Alistair stepped out. "We can take the long way then." She smirked. "I don't know a thing about werewolves."


Salem knocked on Alistair's door. "Ali, are you in there?" He waited a minute and then knocked again.

Kellan grew impatient. "Just open the door." He turned the doorknob and they found out that Alistair wasn't in her room.

Salem frowned. "Where do you think she is?"

"Let's ask Marietta." Kellan suggested. They walked down to the lobby where Marietta stood. Behind the desk. "Marietta, have you seen Alistair?"

"She went out for a walk late last night, but I must've gone to bed before she came back. Why?" Marietta answered.

"She wasn't in her room and neither of us have seen her all day which isn't normal." Kellan replied.

"How do you know it isn't normal? She's only been here for a few days. She isn't required to check in with one of you everyday, so maybe she got up early this morning and took another walk." Marietta retorted.

Salem spoke the next time. "Thanks, Marietta. You're probably right."

They left the lobby and went into the courtyard. "Maybe she's already on her way back." Salem suggested.

Kellan stated at the path. "I'll wait ten minutes."


They walked through the woods and talked about werewolves and each other. "So do you know anyone from my school?" Alistair asked him.

Zayne nodded. "I know some people."

"Do you know Kellan Parker or Salem Robinson?" Ali asked.

"Yeah, Salem and I are friends. But Kellan, not so much." He shrugged.

"Why not?" Ali frowned.

"It's just a competitive thing. We just don't get along that well. We don't fight or anything. I just don't talk to him like that." Zayne answered.

"We're here." Alistair stared at the large building and smiled. "Thanks for-"

"Alistair!" Kellan yelled, interrupting her. Salem was right behind him and they both ran to her. Kellan's eyes fell on Zayne. "What are you doing here?" He snarled.

"Calm down, Kellan." Ali gently took Zayne's wrist.

Kellan stared at her hand. "Where have you been?" He looked into her eyes.

"I got lost last night. Zayne helped me get home." Alistair answered.

"It took all night for him to get you back?" Kellan asked angrily.

"No, I had to stay with him." Alistair replied softly.

Kellan eyes showed his fury. He glared at Zayne. He pushed Alistair back and whispered something to Zayne that Ali couldn't hear.

"Calm down, Kellan." Zayne smiled. "I couldn't bring her back until the morning and nothing happened."

Alistair pulled Kellan back and tripped him so that she was hovering over him, her hands gripping him tightly and keeping him from hitting the ground. "Chill, Kellan. He was just doing me a favor." She dropped him on the ground and turned to Zayne. "Thanks for everything. See you later." She kissed him on the cheek and turned to Kellan. He glared up at her and saw the sliver of gold around her green eyes. She pulled Kellan up by his arm and walked into the Academy.

"I don't appreciate what you did." Kellan growled, dusting his clothes off.

"You should. If you had started a fight, I would have really hurt you." Ali frowned.

"Why? Do you like him?" Kellan asked.

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Don't make a big deal out of nothing, Kellan." She marched away from him.

Salem glanced back over his shoulder to see Zayne walking away. "He's a nice guy, Kellan."

"You've known him since you were a kid." Kellan replied. "I don't like him, Salem."

"I think Ali does." Salem retorted.

Kellan looked at Salem, "So?"

"I think that upsets you." Salem explained.

Kellan stared at his friend. "I don't let anything get to me. Especially not her."

"Exactly, you have to work extra hard not to let her get to you. And that upsets you too. Tell me what's going on." Salem pushed.

"Nothing I want to talk about." Kellan growled and stormed up the stairs.

Salem looked up after Kellan. He turned and ran to catch up with Zayne. "Zayne, wait!"

Zayne slowed down and smiled at Salem. "Hey, what's up?"

"What's going on with you and Alistair?" Salem asked.

Zayne stared at the vampire. "Nothing, I just helped her out last night."

Salem frowned. "But do you like her?"

"I only just met her last night. Why?" Zayne rose a dark eyebrow.

"I don't know. Kellan isn't talking to me about anything and Alistair's upset. Now what about Alistair?" Salem replied.

"She's cool. I mean, last night she asked me so many questions. It's weird how much she doesn't know." Zayne smiled to himself. "You should probably get back there. Don't your classes start soon?"

"Yeah, bye Zayne," Salem waved and ran back to the Academy.

Zayne waved to Salem's back and walked back to his school, thinking of Salem's questions. Kellan must be quite upset. Zayne thought to Alistair and shook his head.

ImmortalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora