24: We're nothing like an old married couple!

Start from the beginning

"Yes, we needed to speak to Madoka-senpai!"

Shizuka and Madoka exchanged a look before they both nodded in tacit agreement and split up to chat with their respective kouhais.

Because the second-year Aiko and the first-year Rei often came to report to Shizuka about club activities as the president and vice-president of her unofficial fan club, to say that the three of them were well-acquainted would be an understatement.

"What's up, Aiko-chan? Is something going on? It's rare for you guys to find me so early in the day."

"We're sorry for bothering you, Shizuka-senpai, but we just had speak to you about the recent happenings!" cried Aiko.

Shizuka blinked. "Recent happenings?"

"The fact that you're dating Semi-senpai!"

"And the break-in of your locker that followed that," added Rei.

"Oh right...that." Because Shizuka had been occupied with other matters since then, she had almost completely forgotten about the gummy insect incident.

Raising a fist Aiko declared, "On behalf of your fan club we wanted to tell you that all of us support you and Semi-senpai 100%!"

"Really? All of you?"

Rei pushed up the frame of her glasses with her index finger. "Well, the majority of us were also fans of Madoka-senpai or Island shippers so we took the news of your relationship as a blessing. Of course, there were also a few members who were upset, but after those video clips of you two on that game show started circulating online, a lot of people changed their minds."

Shizuka was startled. "You guys know about that already?"

"Of course! How could we be in charge of your fan club if we weren't even aware of something like that?" exclaimed Aiko with pride. "Footage was sent to us on the official fanclub blog by someone who had been present in the city's square."

"In any case, we just wanted assure you that we'll always be supporting you from the sidelines, senpai. Anyone who is opposed to the two of you is opposed to all of us! So don't worry, Shizuka-senpai, we'll protect you from any pests that may try to harm you!"

Rei nodded. "Mhmm. We've been conducting an investigation on who the perpetrator of the break-in is so it'll just be a matter of time before we catch the fiend!"

Shizuka stared at the two girls for a while before smiling and patting both of their heads. "Thank you for being concerned for me, Aika-chan, Rei-chan and thanks for always managing the club well. I'd be lost without you."

Although Shizuka had not been comfortable with the idea of a having fan club dedicated to herself at first, as she considered herself a normal high school student and not a celebrity, her fans' dedication, passion, and support, eventually moved her to acceptance.

Receiving their goddess' warm praise caused both Aiko and Rei to beam in pride.

"You don't have to thank us, senpai!"

"Yeah, we're just happy to be of use to you."

"Even so I'm grateful," answered Shizuka with a sincere expression. "If you tell me where and when the club's next general meeting will be held, I'll try to drop by."

Aiko's eyes sparkled. "Really, senpai?"

"Mn. Just tell me in advance."

"That's amazing, senpai! Everyone will be so thrilled! We should go notify everyone at once!"

With that, the two said goodbye to Shizuka and scurried off to spread the news.

They may be weirdly eager at times but they're undeniably good kids.

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