baby shower

Depuis le début

Everybody films a special message for Will and Coralei. "Congratulations on the baby girl on the way! I am so excited for you guys!" Grace says.

"I can't wait to spoil her!" Mamrie says as she makes a silly face.

"Hi, Will and RJ! I am so happy that you guys are finally getting the baby you both have always wanted! I can't wait to see Benji become a big brother, he is already excited! Love you guys!" Michael says as he waves.

"I am so excited for both of you guys! I can't to give Coralei dresses and makeup!" Miles Jai says as he blows a kiss.

"Hi, Will and RJ! We love you guys very very much!" Joey says with a grin.

"We can't wait for River's girlfriend to be here!" Daniel says as he pats Joey's growing baby bump.

"Hey guys! We are so excited to be her to celebrate baby Coralei!" Scott says.

"We can't wait for her to be here and have girl play dates!" Mitch says as Scott laughs.

Friends from Florida have been flying in for the party. Stephanie, Samantha, Mary, Jennine, Kelly, Clarissa, Suzy, Skyler, Jake, Gabe, Travis, Kasey, Chris, August and many more!

"I am so excited for Coralei to be here! She looks just like Will! I can't wait!" Jennine says.

"Benji is gonna be the best big brother ever!" Clarissa says with a big smile.

"Will you are such a beautiful pregnant man! You are glowing I can't wait for Coralei to be here! We all love you so so much!" Stephanie says.

"Mark just texted me! They are on the way! Mark will text me the code word so when he does, we all need to be quiet!" Ryan says with a chuckle and makes everybody laughs.

A few minutes later, Ryan gets the code word. "Apple guys! Apple! Apple!" Ryan says and everybody quiets down. They all can hear Will and RJ talking outside with Mark and Ethan.

Ethan secretly films Will and RJ. "Ugh my back." Will says as he gets out of the car. "Few more weeks!" RJ says.

"I can't believe it! Your pregnancy flew by I felt like." Ethan says as RJ unlocks the door.

"I know, I felt like you just told everybody." Mark says as Dobby greets them.

"Hi, puppy. Hi! Where's your brother, babe?" Will asks RJ. "Maybe they are outside!" Mark says as he walks to the door. Will pees and then walks outside with RJ and Ethan.

Mark opens the door and Will and RJ walk outside, seeing everybody standing in their yard with party hats on and streamers.

"SURPRISE!" Everybody says in unison. Will covers his mouth while RJ giggles.

"Wow! What is this?" RJ asks as he helps Will walk outside. "Welcome to your baby shower!" Karen and Hank say as Will begins to cry as he looks at everything.

"Did you know about this?" Will asks RJ. "No! Did you?" RJ says with a chuckle. "No!" Will says.

"This is incredible! Thank you so much for all of you for coming! Wow, I am shocked right now! You guys totally know how to throw a surprise baby shower!" Will says as he begins to hug his and RJ's family members. RJ begins to hug them too.

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