Chapter 3 - Friend or Foe

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Authors Notes: Between the last chapter and this one, was it too obvious what I'm going for? Anyway, some of you might be confused on how this is a (loose) PREQUEL, but it should makes sense later on. The pain is going to be trying to write it out correctly. Even more since I have to keep it from ruining the tone of the last book. Also, I'm making minor references to some of the user OCs from LoH, but I won't name names.

"Marie, why don't you just say what's on your mind?" Callie asked her cousin, who was hiding behind the bed with her. Marie shook her head, as she continued to observe the two creatures on the other side of the glass.

"You'll just laugh at me," she responded.

"No I won't! It might give us a clue as to what's going on!" Callie protested. Marie thought about this, then gave a light sigh.

"W-well, I think that-"

"Wait! Something is happening!" Callie said, interrupting Marie. On the other side of the glass, the younger male collected a few pieces of equipment from the tables, and stuffed it into a bag.

" (&*$ ()%*#$%*() #%()*#" The two then appeared to shake hands, and the younger man started to head towards the door. Then the older one spoke up again, as he was about to leave. "#%*&#%*(&#& *$&%*& Dr4k3 #%#" This caused Callie's ears to twitch and perk up.

"What is it, Cal?" Marie asked.

"That old guy said something that was... familiar," she responded with a confused expression.

"Wait, you understood that?'

"No, it's just... something I feel that I heard before. But I just can't place it." The two continued to watch, as the younger one waved, then left the room. The older one glanced towards the room they were held in, and they immediately ducked down.

"I wish we had our weapons," Marie said. "I guess all we can do is the old fashioned way of... 'shooting' ink."


Earth 2019 O.S.C.

Half of Inkopolis was now under Mariner control. A number of turf teams, along with what was left of the Inkling armed forces, were fighting desperately to keep Octavio's army from advancing further, while dealing with guerrilla attacks from the Tentatek collaborators. In the midst of the fighting, Kirk, Neptune and two Inklings from the army, were trying to sneak past Octavio's forces.

"Those spies should be waiting for us just up ahead," the leading female said.

"Good. This may be our only shot at giving Octavio some much needed payback," the male said, keeping his Luna blaster at the ready.

"I-I just want to end this already," Kirk cut in. "I've already lost enough friends as it is. The squid sisters.. Shara... Levin..."

"Stupid big brother... had to go and die..." Neptune said in a low voice.

"I was surprised that the squid sisters were fighting in the shadows," The female responded. "If you don't mind me asking, how did it happen?"

"The rainmakers on Octavio's ship. They.. they... just tore through us. Took all three of them down with a single shot... Then Levin..."

"He jumped in front of a torpedo to save me," Neptune said with a whimper. "Why did he have to do that? Stupidstupidstupid!"

"Neptune, that's enough!" Kirk said. The brutal fighting had changed them both, but it pained Kirk to see his friend like this.

"Octavio can't die enough to make up for taking the squid sisters from us!" The male growled.

"Quiet! This is where we are supposed to meet them!" They ducked down, and the female waved her hands in a specific pattern that imitated several squid sister poses. In response, two Octolings walked out of a nearby alley, and made a similar gesture.

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