Chapter 2 - Awakening

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Authors Notes: Forgot to mention that I will be combining the two ways I handled language barriers in the previous story. At some points I will stick to garbled text and symbols, and others I will use gibberish fake language words. The reason why should become apparent in later chapters.

Earth ?

"Marie! Why won't you wake up!" The older squid cousin was lying on her backside, and until now, was completely unconscious. She could vaguely make out the sounds of her cousins cries, and she started regaining control of her body.

"Ugggghhhhhh..." Marie groaned. She opened her eyes a little, but couldn't make anything out due to her blurred vision. She could only make out a vague outline, and she instinctively reached out for it.

"M-Marie! Thank goodness, you're- ACK! Marie, what are you- OW, MY NOSE!" Wide awake, Marie fully opened her eyes, and jolted up. She quickly removed her hand from her younger cousin's nose.

"OWOWOW! What was that for?!" Callie squeaked.

"Sorry about that, Cal," Marie responded. "My head is killing me, and I feel a bit strange." Marie slowly sat up, and started remembering the events that had transpired before she lost consciousness. "Which I think is understandable. How are we not dead?" Marie paused for a second. "The rainmaker... I felt it hit me, and.."

"Forget the rainmaker! I'm just glad you're okay!" Callie pulled her cousin into a hug, and Marie returned it, gripping tightly. "I thought I'd lost you."

"Me too, Cal. I thought we were both done for." The two sat in silence for a few minutes, just taking reassurance from the embrace. Then Callie stood up, and offered her hand. Marie took it, and Callie pulled her up. She then took a look at their surroundings. "W-where are we?" Marie asked. They appeared to be in an empty field. The grass was fairly tall, and there was some trash littered about. About 100 yards behind Callie, the field lead to a small gravel incline with a guard rail at the top. Behind the incline, Marie could see various tall buildings. "Are we back in the city?"

"I don't know," Callie responded. "I don't recognize this area at all. Not to mention this breaks all the litter laws," Callie said, while pinching her nose.

"Let's take a look. If we are in the city, we can find out what's happening. If not, then maybe someone can tell us where we are, and how to get home." Marie reached around for her weapon, but then discovered that it had vanished, along with her ink tank. "Wait, what? Where did our weapons go?" Marie asked, as she noticed that Callie had also lost her roller and tank.

"I don't know. They were gone when I woke up," Callie responded. "But I wonder why we still have our clothes."

"I guess we should be grateful we aren't... completely exposed," Marie said, and turned back to the incline.

"Well, let's go take a look. Oh, and here's your hat," Callie said. The two put their head gear back into place, and Callie put her sunglasses back on. They then climbed the incline, and ended up on a side walk next to a road. Looking around a bit, they spotted a passerby on the other side of the road, and Callie waved at them. "Hey! HEY! Can you tell us where we-" Callie stopped when the stranger turned to them.

"*%#$*% !*$ ( $" For several seconds, the two cousins stared at the figure, who stared right back at them.

"T-that isn't an Inkling!" Callie said with an alarmed voice.

"%#*(&%# $%(#" The figure spoke in a raised voice, and stared while pointing at them.

"Callie, get down!" Marie yelled, and pulled her cousin back over the guard rail. "Quick! Into your squid form!" Callie did as she was told, as they could hear foot steps rapidly approaching. Just as the two found hiding spots in the tall grass, the figure leaned over the guardrail. It stood in place for several minutes while searching for the two. Eventually, it muttered something to itself, then seemed to wonder off. "That was too close," Marie said, as they shifted back to bipedal. "But what the heck was that?"

The Fall of Humanity - Loh Splatoon prequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang