Chapter Thirty-Seven

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             Keon walked around the stand of scary masks and went up to an unsuspecting kid in his way of the aisle that Brendan and Torrence were on. "Excuse me." The ten year old looking kid didn't budge. "Aye move."

The kid turned around, jumped in shock and ran away. Laughing, Keon walked up to his friends who were figuring out their costumes for the Halloween party that the Alphas of Morehouse and Clark Atlanta were throwing tonight. Of course when Naiya told Shanelle about it she told her they were going and when the guys found out they invited themselves too. Brendan looked his way shaking his head. "You wrong bruh."

Keon took off the scary mask and thumbed away tears in his eyes. "Aww shit that kid asked for it. He heard me say excuse me."

"I might be Freddy tonight." Torrence stated, looking at the costume props in his hand. He had the hat and sharp gloves in his hands. "I already cut up the striped shirt at home. What you got Keon?"

He shrugged, holding up the mask. "Just this. I ain't really think about the costume this year."

Last year they all went as Black Panthers.

"You should've been Nino Brown." Torrence told him referring to the infamous New Jack City character.

"Shanelle won't tell me who they goin' as." Brendan sucked his teeth. The two of them were in the talking stage. "All I know is her ass better not be out."

"If her ass out, that mean Naiya's ass is out and she know I don't play that shit. Especially not after she wore that romper to that party."

Brendan waved him off. Terrance scrunched his face up. "My nigga that was two months ago."

"So. That dude still around."

"Because he goes to her school and lives in her apartment building. What do you expect?" Terrance pointed out.

"Whatever. I know his ass gonna be at that party. All I know is he better keep his distance. I got time today for some reason."

"Let Naiya handle that okay? Y'all together now so I'm sure she'll put him in his place if need be."

Brendan snickered. "I'd love to see that. Naiya couldn't tell a fly to leave her alone."

Keon didn't want to go to the party tonight but Naiya was doing something next week that could possibly make or break her. She was finally meeting the woman who claimed to be her mentor, but Keon wondered if she had some type of relation to her biological family. The woman emailed her asking if they could meet up and Naiya agreed for Friday at an off campus coffee shop. Naiya was nervous about the whole thing so tonight Shanelle thought it was fitting for them to go to a Halloween party and to cancel their original plans to stay in and watch scary movies all night. Keon didn't want Naiya to worry about next week but he knew it would be hard for her to not feel some type of way about it.

He just hoped she had some fun tonight at least before a potential hectic week.

      Shanelle and Naiya entered the Alpha Halloween party with the guys close behind them. Keon was holding Naiya's fingers. Actually their fingers were pretzeled around each other. He damn near caught a case and shoved her into a Baby Bop costume when he saw her come out of her bedroom dressed as Kelly Rowland from Destiny's Child. Her, Shanelle and Shanelle's friend Loren from the last party dressed up as Destiny's Child from the 'Survivor' video. While Loren was Beyonce because of her lighter skin tone and golden brown hair, Naiya was Kelly and Shanelle was stuck with Michelle thanks to Naiya winning in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Shanelle wanted her legs out but since Michelle wore pants in the video, she had to too. Because she wore pants, Keon attempted to get her and Naiya to switch but nobody volunteers to be Michelle.

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