"So why are we still here, let's go," Jimin said as he grabbed Yoongi's hoodie and started pulling him along.

In the meantime Ji-Sun was finishing another movie and was getting up to put in another disc, she got hungry and walked over to the kitchen to grab more snacks,

"It's already this time?" she whispered to herself looking over at the clock which was currently pointing at 2:35 am. Grabbing a bag of crisps she shuffled back into the living room and gently collapsed on to the couch before pressing the play button on the remote. She picked up her phone to see if she had messages from Jungkook, but when she turned on her phone she just saw a picture of the two together from before he left, sighing, she placed it down next to her and focused all her attention on the movie that was starting.

Sudden loud knocking echoed through the apartment, Ji-Sun jumped at the sudden noise before turning to look if she had woken up the sleeping girl, thankfully she didn't. With a groan, she pushed herself up off the couch before looking at her phone that displayed the time to be 3:14 am. After pausing the movie she stretched while walking over to the door.

"Who would be here at such a crazy hour?" she questioned herself while scratching her head, she opened the door to reveal seven tired faces. She blinked a lot for a couple of seconds to process what she was seeing in front of her. Once she had a hang of the situation she stepped outside before silently closing the door behind herself.

"What are you doing here?!" she whisper-shouted, her brows knitted with confusion,

"Is that our welcome? Why don't you let us in?" her brother questioned her as he stepped out in front,

"Yes this is your welcome, none of you messaged us for so long and now you show up, at this hour! Plus Yerin is currently exhausted by the situation," Ji-Sun defended her friend while crossing her arms over her chest, she thought that it would've been a better idea if they were to show up in the morning,

"That's why we came," Yoongi said while stepping next to Jungkook, "I wanted to apologise,"

"I understand but what took you so long to realise everything?" the female deadpanned, she was annoyed by Yoongi's actions but she also understood that it must've been difficult for him too.

"We had to sort it out with the manager who doesn't live close to our studio, but, Taehyung managed to sort it out, without him, I doubt that I would be here. Please just let me in, I want to talk with Yerin," Yoongi pleaded, his eyes full of regret as tears brimmed his eyes.

"She is asleep but I guess you will just have to wake her up," Ji-Sun sighed as she gave into Yoongi's pitiful look, he was clearly desperate to talk with his significant other and she wasn't going to stand in his way.

The room was almost silent, Yerin's breathing could be heard along with Yoongi's cautious footsteps that were nearing the couch, the other members along with Ji-Sun filed into the hallway silently and stood next to the entrance of the room. He knelt next to the couch, his face inches from Yerin's sleeping face, the tear trails were still visible on her cheeks as her eyes were still puffy. He looked over her features with a full expression before finally deciding to talk,

"Honey," he whispered causing her to stir a bit in her sleep, "honey," he uttered again making her open one of her blue orbs,

"Yoongi?" she breathed while opening her other eye,

"I'm home," he said smiling at his wife, she abruptly sat up making all the blankets fall off of her body and onto the other side of the couch,

"Why are you here?" she questioned looking at him with tears at the corners of her eyes,

"I realised my mistakes and I'm so sorry, I don't think I can apologise enough for what I have done," he admitted while grabbing her hands into his own, "I am very sorry for leaving you for such a long time and not contacting you. I can't imagine how worried you must've been over the past few days when I've been out of reach. I was trying to focus on my work and finish songs to satisfy the manager but I wasn't able to, you were always there in my mind smiling beautifully and distracting me, in a good way, but I stupidly thought that if I ignored you I would be able to get everything done to come home for longer, that didn't work. I love you so much and I will never be like this, just stay by my side because without you I really can't make it through the day," by the end of his short, but sweet, speech Yerin was in tears, they were falling quickly but she was truly happy at this moment in time, she would have never expected him to show up so quickly after this.

"I'm so sorry too," she said with a cracked voice, "I was just too stressed and worried about you, Min Yoongi you are so important to me and I love you too," she said smiling widely at the male who was smiling back. Before she knew it Yoongi had made his way up to the couch to be on eye level,

"Please forgive me," He said while squeezing her hands lightly, leaning in she placed a soft peck on his lips, it was short and sweet and how much Yoongi missed this was indescribable.

"Is that a good way to forgive?" she smirked,

"Not enough," he said while pouting making her chuckle slightly. Yoongi looked at her smiling widely while thinking to himself how lucky he was to get such an understanding wife, he was suddenly lost in his thought smiling weirdly and Yerin knew just the way to get him out of this state. She leaned in quickly and left another peck on his lips that last for a second, thus startling the male before he took advantage of the situation and as she was moving back he quickly pulled her into his chest making them both fall back cuddling.

The other members and Ji-Sun cringed at their sweetness but were also relieved at the same time to see them so happy once again,

"So are we disturbing or can we watch the movie?" J-Hope said while walking into the room and grabbing the bowl of popcorn before making himself comfortable on the floor, along with him the rest came in and had to sit on the floor seen as Yoongi and Yerin were taking up the couch. Not too long after, soft snoring could be heard as the couple had fallen asleep, not letting this situation go, the other members began to take multiple pictures before going to sleep themselves after the exhausting night.


So this is the end of the story, hope you enjoyed it a lot.

Thanks for reading <3 xx

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