"Marley, you look beautiful," Gina said and Marley just glared at her and Gina sighed.

"Still mad a me?" Gina asked and Marley shot her a 'what do you think' look.

"You will get over it. Come on dinner starts soon," Gina said before quickly slipping on her black heels. Gina was wearing a dark purple dress.


When Marley and Gina got to The Cooper Household, Mrs Cooper opened the door for them and Marley walked up to betty's room where Betty was applying her make-up. Betty looked up at Marley at when she walked through the door and sat on Betty's bed.

"I honestly can't believe this is happening," Marley said and Betty sighed.

"You know my mother, when she sets her mind on something there is no changing her mind," Betty said applying her lipstick before standing up from her dressing table.

"You look really pretty, Betts," Marley complimented and Betty smiled.

"You look pretty too, Marls," Betty said and Marley smiled. Betty held out her hand for Marley to take and Marley took it before the two of them went downstairs together.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Marley and Betty went to answer the door. Betty opened the door revealing Jughead and his dad and Betty opened the door wider letting the both of them in.

"Hello girls, the both of you look beautiful," FP said complimenting the two girls and they both smiled.

"Thank you, Mr Jones," Betty said the same time Marley said "Thanks, Mr J,"

Marley then turned to Jughead and smiled before hugging him. Jughead gently kissed Marley on the lips before pulling away.

"I got you a corsage," Jughead said handing Marley the box that included the black flower and Marley smiled.

"Thanks, Jug," Marley said and Jughead smiled before looking at Betty and handing her a white one.

"I also got you one, Betts, since we are kinda all going together," Jughead said handing her a box and Betty smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"Thanks Jughead,"Betty said and jughead just nodded.

"Yay, Polygamy," Marley joked laughing before getting serious and looking at the both of them.

"That was a joke, I was joking," Marley said to Jughead and Jughead, his dad and Betty laughed.

Just then Alice Cooper came out of the dining room and looked at the four of them.

"Dinner is ready, come on," Alice said beckoning them into the dining room and they all followed her. Jughead sat next to his dad and opposite him sat Betty and Marley, Gina and Alice at the heads of the table.

The six of them ate the food Betty's mom prepared in an awkward silence before Jughead spoke.

"Super delicious, Mrs C." Jughead said and FP nodded in agreement.

"Sure is, Alice. its been a long time since I ate something that didn't come in a combo meal, or a snack pack," FP said and everyone chuckled.

"So, FP, Betty tells me that you are working for Fred Andrews now. How do you balance that with all your other responsibilities?" Alice Cooper asked and Marley rolled her eyes knowing the interrogation was about to start.

"You mean like being a father?" FP asked cutting the food on his plate.

"And a part of the Southside community," Gina added and Marley dropped her fork on her plate.

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