❥ Chapter Forty-four ❥

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Written by DeadlyDisasters

Everett's Dad pov

"Why are you calling? You were fired, you can't get your job back by begging." The person on the other end told me. I resist the urge to start yelling at them and take a deep breath.

"I may not have a job there anymore but I have information you people would kill to have." I respond to the person who I'm assuming took my job when my stupid son got me fired.

"You didn't try to kidnap anymore people did you?"

"No, I just have information on the Reapers. You may have fired me but I was never told I couldn't still investigate. I was just told to stop working so we could figure out the whole situation." 

The person on the phone doesn't respond to that. I lean against the kitchen wall looking at all the dead plants in the yard. I'm disgusted by this place but it's okay, soon I won't have to stay here anymore. I've been lying to Everett, I know he'll never be the perfect son. I'm giving him one last chance to prove himself but it doesn't matter. Everett has been disobedient for the last time, after he kills Ash he will die too.

"What kind of information?" The person on the other end finally asks, I knew my offer was too good for them to ignore.

"I've been tailing them and so far it seems like they have been trying to stay low, keep off the police radar."

"So then how do you know it's them?"

"I've heard them admit it."

"You were fired, drop it, let the professionals deal with this. For all we know you could be tailing citizens who were talking about some book or TV show. Don't do anything that could get you into more trouble." He says this with such urgency that I laugh. He starts to frantically tell me to leave them alone, he acts as if I just told him what I've been doing to Ash and Everett.

"You'll all soon wish you had never fired me, that I was right in the first place. I'll bring the Reapers in and you all will be the fools who made a large mistake."

With that I hung up on them and grinned with satisfaction. I will be praised as a hero for catching the killers and they will be ridiculed for their poor decisions. I will definitely get my job back, with better pay after I bring in Ash and Everett's bodies. I plan to say I killed them out of self-defense, that when I had caught them they put up a fight and I had to defend myself. 

Everett you will never again go against my wishes, I'm going to break you so that you will kill Ash in about a day. You will kill him and I will kill you, dying because I ask will defiantly make you the perfect son forever.

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