❥ Chapter Thirty-four ❥

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Written by Deadlydisasters

Ash's POV

Everett has stopped screaming. I don't know if it's from his father stopping the torture or if he passed out from the pain but I can still hear it, echoing in my ears. I wish it would stop, that he is okay but knowing his father Everett is anything but okay.

I wonder if I had never joined up with him, that if I never asked to become a killer would he still be in this position? Would he have given up the first time he was tied to a chair by his father? Did I help or hurt him when I joined up with him? All these horrible thoughts race through my head and each is worse than the one before.

My thoughts and Everett's screams that still ring in my ears, are so loud and distracting that I don't even notice Everett's dad until he's standing right in front of me. He's looking at me like he's just won the lottery. I try to pull my hands free from the ropes even though I know that it won't do anything.

"Wasn't it just beautiful? The screams of your victims are always the best kind of music, they just make everything so much sweeter don't you think? You understand don't you Ash, the adrenaline rush and the feeling of power that flows through your veins when you know you're the one causing the screaming." He says slowly, like he's relishing in the memory of torturing Everett.

"Bastard! Everett didn't deserve that!" I yell at him, how could Everett's mother ever have loved someone so sick and twisted? Everett saved me from many more years of torture and his mother saved him. It wasn't enough though, it couldn't keep the monster away.

"Now I've already made Everett go through his punishment for disrespecting me, should I make him go through it again because you're disrespecting me too?" He leaned in and underneath what smells like a half a bottle of cologne, was the copper scent of blood. I grit my teeth and try to move back away from him. I can't but I still try, I don't want to have to smell Everett's blood on his hands. I don't want Everett harmed after all he's done for me, he even loves me back and that's more than I hoped for. He was the first person to ever genuinely love me.

Everett's father pulls back and kicks me, right in the spot where he shot me. I cry out in pain as the feeling of a burning fire rushes up my leg. This is nothing compared to what he did to Everett, I know that but it hurt like hell. A thought strikes me as the pain slowly dulls.

"How about a deal?" I speak loud and clear, making sure he doesn't miss a single word. His face changes from one full of glee to one of curiosity. He starts to pace slowly and holds a hand up to his chin.

"I'm intrigued, what did you have in mind."

"Don't torture Everett anymore. Give me all you have planned for him, let me be the one to suffer not him." I wait for his response, he continues to pace back and forth thinking. He comes to a stop in front of me and slowly turns with a sinister smile on his face.

That smile doesn't help his looks, his face has even more wrinkles now and the gleam in his blue eyes makes him look crazy. It's hard to make eye contact with him because his eyes are the exact same shade and shape as Everett's. He's shown his true colors and it's hard to believe that Everett turned out as well as he did, he was raised by this demon.

"That's an excellent idea." Everett's father started. "In fact I'll do just that because," he said shaking his head and pacing once again. "that will torment my son even more. He's worried about you, it's disgusting. My beautiful son, gay! Such a tragedy, I'll have to do something about that when you're dead. Maybe I'll bring up the memory of you since you'll already be dead and every time he tries to stand up for you or something like that, I'll starve him. I'll tie him up and keep him locked away."

My heart races even faster if that's possible with how quick it's already beating. I'm terrified that I might have a heart attack or something. He's going to kill me, I already had some feeling that something like that would happen. My heart aches for the pain that Everett will have to endure when I'm gone and for the pain that he's already been through. All because he's gay and disobeyed his father.

"I hope you know that's not how it works and that you are a vile human being. When I meet people like you, I'm ashamed of being a human too."

He walks over and kicks me harder then before right in the spot where I was shot. Once again fire races up my leg and I yell out in pain once again. Causing pain to my throat, if this keeps up I'm going to lose my voice.

"Children shouldn't disrespect their elders! I think it's time for a lesson!" Everett's father yells at me. He leaves the room and I'm terrified.

I feel like a child once again subjected to what my parents were planning to do to me. I wasn't a bad child yet, as far back as I can remember I was beaten, starved, and locked away in the smallest closet we had. I feeling that same fear now, fear of being unable to protect myself, fear of what's in store for me, fear that I won't make it through this without dying, and now I have a new fear too. Fear of losing Everett, whether it be through one of our deaths or that he finally comes to his senses that I'm not worth his time.

Everett's father comes back into the room with blood covered tools and a strange frayed belt with blades attached. I could feel the pressure build behind my eyes. Everett's blood was dripping off those tools, off each individual blade. My sight blurred with tears the longer I stared at the horrible tools.

"I said something similar to Everett that I'm about to say to you," Everett's father said a he carefully ran his fingers over each tool. When he made it to the end he ran his fingers back and grabbed one that hardly had any blood on if compared to the others. The scalpel glinted in the overhead light as he carried it over to me.

"Let's have some fun!" He said enthusiastically with a large smile plastered on his face. He grabbed my face with his free hand and forcefully pulled my head to the side. My hair fell in a way that it covered my neck and a small portion of my face. He groaned and spoke in an irritated tone,

"I'm might just cut it off like I did to Everett's but, then again you are going to die so that would just make more of a mess for me to clean up."
He put the scalpel between his teeth and with his now free hand he brushed all my hair to the side. He grinned and pulled the scalpel out of his mouth. I closed my eyes and felt the cool metal just graze my cheek. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't cry out as he slowly sliced into my skin. I can't cry out, not yet at least.

I'm trying to focus my mind on something else, on the fact that the monster cutting my face open cut Everett's hair. I can't, my thoughts just won't stay put. My mind keeps thinking about the pain that's now throbbing in my cheek and neck, making it worse. He cut so deep into my cheek that I know it will definitely leave a scar. This reminds me of when I was little and mother would take a large, sharp kitchen knife and cut my arms and chest as punishment for being too loud or not eating all my meal. I feel like such a helpless child facing my parents once again. His horrible voice brought me out of one nightmare and into another.

"Hmmm...won't yell yet will you. I need to try something with more effect." I opened my eyes and watched as he went back to his tools with the blood covered scalpel. He carefully set the scalpel back in place between other tools and immediately grabbed the belt. He looped the end without blades around his hand and when he came close enough started swinging.

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