❥ Chapter Forty ❥

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Written by DeadlyDisasters

Everett's pov

I have no idea what time it is but it seems like that every time I close my eyes to sleep, he comes back and slaps me awake. I can't keep my eyes open so I doze off again. I'm woken up after what feels like five minutes with my face stinging.

My vision is blurry and when it clears I'm staring into the same eyes I see in the mirror everyday. He backs up and with a sinister smile begins to speak. I feel empty, nothing. I'm alive but barely. He's slowly killing me, taking everything from me. I think that soon I break, I'll wish I was dead. I know I'm not the child he wants but there's no reason to take it this far.

"I have a message for you," he looked too happy, too bright for this current situation. I stare at him, not understanding a word he said. I feel like a corpse, just there nothing else.

"Do you want to know what it's about?" The disgusting creature I have to call Father asks. He's getting mad, he wants a response and I have no energy whatsoever to even fake one. I cried like a child all night, long after Ash had stopped screaming, after everyone had gone to bed.

I've no way to tell what time it is, no idea how long we've been here. It probably hadn't been more then a few days but with how broken I feel, I argue with myself that it's been longer. My head dips down and stays so that my chin is resting on my chest. I don't care anymore. Father grabs my head and yanks harshly. I wince but give no more expression than that.

"Ash wants you to know, he hates you. He wants you to know that he knows this whole problem is your fault."

I stop breathing, I feel like I did when I had the wind knocked out of me. I believe Ash. It's my fault. I suddenly feel a surge of emotions, rage, sadness, regret, and many others I can't name. I take deep breaths, slowly having another breakdown. I feel like I could cry, like I should but I can't. My eyes stay dry, I've probably cried all I could last night. Father hasn't brought me anything to eat or drink yet, that probably contributes to my feeling of emptiness.

I deserve this, my heart broken into thousands of little pieces. I think as I stare straight ahead, still taking very deep breaths. He is laughing himself to the point where he's on his knees and hitting the floor with his fist. I clench my fists, if I could I would wrap my fingers around his throat. I would squeeze until I knew there was no way he would ever live again.

"Thank you Everett. I needed a good laugh, your simple reactions were perfect." He says with a large smile on his face, he turns and walks away. Throwing a hand up in a 'goodbye' wave, his other arm still wrapped around his stomach.

I close my eyes and imagine Ash in a room similar to mine. He's bruised and bleeding. His long hair is matted and sticking up all over. I feel my heart drop to my stomach, my pulse increases slightly. Even though I'm just imagining him, it feels so real.

I imagine him slowly whispering the words, 'I hate you Everett!' Repeating them over and over till he's yelling. I want to do something, make him stop but I don't know how. I don't want to hurt him, but he's this way because of me. I already hurt him.

I'm pulled out of my imagination by a slap to the face, my cheek stings from the force of my father's hand. If I was able to put my hands on my face the side he hit would be warmer then the other.

"Wake up!" He yelled, small flecks of spit landing on me. I was asleep? That wasn't my imagination but my dreams? More like a nightmare, part of the one I'm living.

"Ash wants me to give you another message," he begins with that same creepy expression he was wearing earlier. I don't say anything just stare at him with pleading eyes. Pleading for him to continue speaking or to stop I'm not sure. I don't know which would be more painful. I can't speak, I'm afraid I'll betray how hurt I am with stuttering and voice cracks.

"He wants you to know that you are scum and deserve death." He says, relishing in my reaction. I struggle once again against the bonds that tie me to this awful chair. I open wounds on my already raw wrists. I yell at Father, I call him every sick name I can think of but I call him a liar most.

My father was always a liar when I was growing up, he would lie and say he loved my mother but he killed her. He would lie and say I would be such a good killer that nobody would ever catch me, he did. He would say people hated me to make me angry, to try and trigger certain emotions. Just like he's doing now.

Why should I believe him when he's pulled things like this before? I should have figure it out earlier, he knows nothing. If Ash really hated me he would give a reason not just general statements that could be made by anyone.

"Why Everett, how dare you insult your father? Why call me a liar so many times?" He demands from me. I find my voice one again, my throat hurts from all the yelling but I have to tell him. I have to show he doesn't have much control over me.

"You're lying. Ash wouldn't say anything so simple without an interesting explanation as to why he feels that why."

"Why would I lie about this, look at the situation you're in son. There's a reason he hates you now." He tries to reason with me, but he can't.

"No, just implying the situation isn't good enough. He can hate me all he wants but only when there's proof that he said it." I tell him, with a hard cold glare.

"Okay, okay." With those two words he leaves and gives no clue to where he's going but I think I know. Good luck Ash. Stay strong.

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