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Part 1: In a Darker Forest

A text tone went off from inside his bag. "Hey little bro, it's your big sis. Listen you're moving out next week, coming to live it big. Vegas, baby!" He smiled, his sister never failed to excite. Then he glanced behind him, at the girl's sleeping form.

"I might be bringing a friend, that okay?"

"Oooo! Does little Conner have a girlfriend?"




"So it's a girl?"

"Look, Tamara, I'll either be bringing a friend or I won't. It's a whatever thing. Bye!"


WARNING: you are approaching the end of Part One. The ending of part one signals the arrival of Part Two which is unedited, more graphic, has more cussing, has more crying, has couple-y shit, is less formatted, and will be in less frequent updates! On the other hand, it has MORE OF ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS AND... MORE CHARACTERS I RANDOMLY MADE UP YOU MIGHT GROW TO LOVE AND... MORE MAGICAL CREATURES AND... MORE OF MY LAME PLOT TWISTS AND... MOOOOOORE OF MY AUTHOR'S NOTES WHICH I KNOW YOU LOVE!

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