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Chapter 8

I was on a road. "What the hell?" I whispered. I had just been on my bed and I don't sleepwalk. I stood there pondering until I saw headlights. "Freak! "I hissed, running to the side.

The second I reached the grass; I was back on the road. And the car was getting closer.

I was panicking. Why couldn't I move? I was going to die. Again. I closed my eyes; I didn't want to see it coming.

BANG! I felt the impact in every part of my body. Then I didn't feel anything, like my nerves were gone. I opened my eyes and I was on my bed again. Pain exploded from every side. I turned my head and saw myself splattered all over my green bed. Then I felt a cool rush and saw all the skin, bones, muscles, and blood flow back into my body. There was a twisting sensation and I could move. I had just died. Again. Part of me had been hoping that this whole Conner thing had been a dream. Apparently not. I got up and looked at the mirror. I seemed fine. I turned over and examined my bed. Not a stain. "What the hell?"

There was a tap on my window. I whirled to face it and saw Conner standing on my tree, right outside. He held up a sign reading, "YOU JUST DIED".

I picked up a piece of paper and a black marker. "NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!!!!" He rolled his eyes. "GO AWAY!" I wrote.

"No, I'm sorry but you'll need my help!"

"I HATE YOU!" I wrote, slowly, making sure he could see each letter being written.

"I know you do." He wrote.


"So you and Leena are sick?" I said into my phone. They were obviously faking.

"Yeah," Jen's voice replied, "Can you tell the teachers and bring us our homework?" I rolled my eyes.

"Only if you save me some of your homemade facials."

"Fine by me. Bye!"


I ran into the building, heading for my locker. When I got there, there was a silver-yes, a silver, not one of those white 5s models- iPhone siting on top of my books. "What the hell?" I whispered. The phone dinged, causing me to pick it up.

The screen showed me a text from Conner reading, "Hey, she-who-I-must-not-name. Look, "the weird mask lady" wanted you to have this. My numbers programmed in so feel free to call."

"Yeah, freakin' right!" I hissed, "Your freakin' numbers freakin' programmed in! 'Cause I totally freakin' want it!"

"Glad to hear that."

I jumped. "What the hell? Conner!"

"Yeah?" he said, blue eyes twinkling.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me! Or was I imagining throwing that knife?" I fumed.

"No, you didn't imagine anything. You just assumed I would listen."

"Oh, piss off!"

"Ok." And Conner walked away, leaving me to slam my locker and go to 1st period. Which made me madder than it should have, after all, I had gotten what I wanted.


I wonder who pissed in HER cereal. Gets what she wanted and she's STILL po'd as rotten panda shit! Some days, you just can't win...

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