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A/N: Since many of you guys wants an update, here it is! Enjoy~

Chapter: 12


Once i finished my ice cream, i said that i would just wash my hand and they just both nodded at me. They didn't even look at me so I took that chance and quickly left the ice cream parlor.

I sighed in relief as soon as i finally escape them. I need to find the others.

I started strolling around the mall and nothing really caught my attention.

Maybe i should buy something so that i have a reason to why i left Jimin and Jungkook.

I went inside the bookstore here in the mall. Trying to find a book that i can read if i have free time.

Then suddenly the book 'The fault in our stars' caught my attention. I remember when i watch the movie with Jungkook before.

I decided that I'll but it since I'm a fan of John Green, i really like his books.


While Jimin hyung and I are eating our ice creams Taehyung hyung suddenly said that he's going to watch his hands and the two of us just nodded.

When Jimin hyung and I finish our ice creams that's when the two of us realized that Taehyung hyung us gone. And i started panicking.

"Kookie, just let him be okay? He's already a grown up man and he can take care of his self. Don't you want some alone time with me?" Jimin hyung said, and ruffled my hair.

I just smiled at him and nodded my head. Yeah, Jimin hyung is right, Taehyung hyung is old enough to take care of himself and I'd rather be with Jimin hyung alone.

The two of us stroll around the mall. We bought some couple tees, some couple rings.

Jimin hyung said that he's going to the comfort room, and I said that I'll just wait for him here outside the bookstore since it's close to the cr.

While waiting for him, I notice a familiar figure inside the bookstore. I step a little bit closer to the entrance of the store to see who it is.

Taehyung hyung?

What is he doing here? I didn't know that he's fond of reading books. I saw him pick some books and I only know one of them 'The fault in our stars'. I remember watching that movie with Taehyung hyung before.

Then suddenly he turned his gaze to my directions and we both made an eye contact. I can feel my heart beating so fast. I was so lost in his eyes. But our eye contact was broken when suddenly someone grabbed his hands at the same moment someone grabbed my hands.

I turned around and saw Jimin hyung looking at what I'm looking at earlier. And I also look at where he is looking.

Yoongi hyung holding Taehyung hyung's arms.

I thought he's supposed to be with Hoseok hyung so what is he doing here with Taehyung hyung? Are they a thing now?

Because you know, they are always together.

I saw how Taehyung smiled at Suga hyung, and how Suga hyung smile back at him. Suga hyung doesn't even smile that much at me.

But I notice that if it's Taehyung hyung he'll always smile.

"Jungkook, let's go inside." Jimin hyung said, and dragged me inside the bookstore. We went to where Taehyung hyung and Suga hyung is.

"Guys!" Jimin hyung shouted. That made some people to look at us strangely.

"Oh Jimin, Jungkook" Suga hyung, said as soon as he saw the both of us. "Taehyung, why did you leave us like that? You told us that you're just going to wash your hand but you didn't came back." Jimin hyung said, and pouted.

"Oh that? I'm sorry, I just really want to buy a book." Taehyung hyung said, lowering his head.

"Hmm, so how about you Suga hyung? Aren't you supposed to be with Hoseok hyung?" Jimin ask again. "He said that I'm too boring so he left me alone." Suga hyung explained.

Jimin hyung and I nodded.

"So do you guys want to come with us?" Jimin hyung ask the two. Both of them look at each other and i think they are communicating through each other's eyes.

"Ahh sure, the more the merrier isn't it?" Suga hyung awkwardly replied.

Why did I end up being here? And why do i feel so annoy seeing Taehyung hyung with Yoongi hyung?

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