Chapter Fourteen (Late update, sorry hunny bunnies <3)

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“Are you cold?” Alistair inquires softly.

                    I nod silently as I watch him take off his jacket. It’s cold. I shake for a while before it starts to warm up. “You look….different, well you looked different a week or two ago…but different.” I realized he was talking about my butt…I blush. “Zo—ey uh—she uh, she bought me this d—dress with butt pads. Don’t f—flatter me.”

                    He flushed, hanging his head down. “Wait a minute, Fallon…you’re—you’re drunk.”

                    I hang my hair down in embarrassment. “B—Brandt, he gave me a few d—drinks too many.”

                    “I can see, do you need some coffee?”

                    “Y—yeah…I don’t know…I don’t wanna go home…m—my d—d—dad will be pissed off, the dumb bastard w—will yell  at me.” I say with a sniffle, tears brimming in my eyes. “O—or he won’t care.”

'                   He looked over at me somberly. “I’m sorry,”

                    “N—no it’s n—not your fault! N—not your fault my dad—never mind. Take me to get coffee…I want coffee.” I say with finality. He nods quietly, and we begin to walk. I mostly clutch to him to steady my drunken sense of balance. I felt like total crap.

                    “I’m so fuckin wasted!” I shouted to the world. Alistair seemed stiff under my embrace. “So fuckin wasted…” I mumbled hollowly. We walked for a few more minutes before we reached a small twenty-four hour diner. Alistair held the door for me and I stumbled in slowly.

                    We took a seat in a booth, and a sleepy, grouchy woman was at our assistance. “Can I get cha anything?” the women asked in a guttural voice.

                    “Ah yes, two cups of black coffee.”

                    She looks over at me with a disappointed glance, as I leaned my head against the window. My head brain is swimming in a haze. “What were you doing before you came here?” Alistair inquired softly, trying to make awkward conversation, as he twirled a sugar packet around with his index finger.

                    “Where? Where are we?”

                    “A diner, but it’s kind of out of town.”

                    “Where are we?”


                    I collapse in my arms on the table as I grouse in frustration. “Are, you—serious?”

                    “Here’s yah coffees’,” the woman bitterly puts down a cup in front of each of us.

                    Alistair pushes his cup over to me, and I begin to drink the hot terrible liquid. “Ouch!” I shouted, nearly throwing the cup, but managing to keep my wits, and clasp the mug in my hand. “Hot,” I whisper sheepishly.

                   We sit in silence he looks in a bored manner out of the window, I feel hollow and not completely on my feet.

                “So ‘bout that project in geography…” Alistair begins quietly.

                 Then all the memories of his reaction to me pace by in one big whirlwind, and I look over in his direction. Words precariously pour out from my mouth in a drunken slur, “Oh yeah, I remember! Y—you jerk! Y—you didn’t even want to work with me—c—cause I’m a freak! You think I’m ugly…something to be laughed at…that’s why you’ve been ignoring me. You don’t want to be around someone like me. You’re finding your own clique or whatever. Anytime I’m too close you be—become as stiff as a board, and I—I—it hurts.”

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