Chapter Sixteen: Meeting the Ohana

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Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten - Stitch, Lilo & Stitch

After informing Tyler of what my surrogate brothers demanded from him, and him agreeing to meet them this weekend with this barbecue cook-out with the Ohana at the Sharp household, I am standing here in the front porch nervously waiting for Tyler to arrive as Alekz was playing at the side with his action figures.

The late lunch early dinner have started fifteen minutes ago and yet, I'm still here waiting for my boyfriend to come and pick us up. Just then Alekz looked up and yelled, "Papa!" as he stood up and tried to run towards the oncoming car but I immediately grabbed him.

I watched as Tyler's black Mercedes pull up on my driveway before the stalling and completely coming to a stop, my man climbed out of the driver's side a couple minutes later holding a small package, in which I will hazard a guess and say that is a gift for Alekz. I released my hold on my son who immediately ran towards the man as fast as his short chubby legs can carry him.

"Papa!" my son yelled as he threw himself on Tyler who immediately caught him.

Tyler looked at me and smiled before focusing on Alekz who was rubbing his face on Tyler's stubbled cheek, "Did you miss Papa, bud?" he asked.

Alekz nodded as he hid his face on the crook of Tyler's neck as he hugged him tightly, "Yeah, Alekz missed Papa lots!" I heard my son whisper as I picked up his bag filled with toys and his baby bag, slinging both on my shoulder as I walked towards both of my boys.

"Hey" I greeted him as I finally stood by them.

Tyler looked at me lovingly, "Hey," he whispered as he claimed my lips for a quick kiss, "ready to go?" he asked.

I nodded at him before transferring my eyes on the package he was holding, he slightly blushed as he handed it to me, I looked down and realized that it was actually two packages and not one like I thought. I opened one of the packages that has my name on the lid and gasped, it was a necklace with a circular pendant that says soul mate. I smiled at him and plucked it out of the box and handed him the box as I placed it around my neck. "Thank you" I whispered in awe as I played with the pendant.

Tyler just shrugged nonchalantly, "I just wanted you to have it." he replied, "Just a small something to commemorate the rebirth of our relationship." he replied with a smile.

I just nodded happily as I kissed him quickly on the lips again. As my son watches on happily, "What's the other one?" I asked as I pointed at the bigger box with Alekz' name on the lid.

"Well" Tyler began as he looked at the boy on his arms, "want to open the box, buddy?" he asked.

Alekz nods excitedly as he slowly removed the lid and gasped when he saw a small stuffed gray and white wolf, "A wolf cub!" he revealed happily as he grabbed the stuffed animal from the box before throwing his arms around Tyler's neck, "thanks Papa!" he ended.

Tyler just looked at my son fondly, "Well you're my cub buddy." he stated making Alekz nod. "So are we ready to go? We're already late as it is." he looked at me nervously.

I just shook my head, "No worries." I comforted him as I squeezed his arm as I led them towards his car, I opened the back seat and was about to climb in when my eyes widened at the black car seat innocently waiting inside, I turned toward my boyfriend in shock, "Ty" I whispered as he stepped beside me as I stepped aside letting him pass.

"It's just a car seat babe" he replied as he buckled Alekz in still clutching the stuffed wolf tightly, "this way we can also use my car, with you sitting on the passenger seat instead of at the backseat holding Alekz." he replied.

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