"No, why?"

"Do you go on dates?" Was he hitting on me?

"Yes, what's going on in your head?" We had both completely stopped and turned to face each other.

"You want to go to the movies sometime, Avery?" He asked, taking a step towards me. I guess he was hitting on me.

"Sure," I said, reaching for the back pocket of my ripped jeans for my knife. I pulled it out.

"Whoa! What's that for? Is this why you don't have a boyfriend?" Conner asked, baffled and shocked.

I laughed; his expression was hilarious. "There's a small shortcut coming up, but it's over grown with thorny vines, so unless you fancy being cut up by briars, I'm gonna keep the knife."

"Oh. Carry on."

I smirked and cut down a few vines, revealing what seems like a natural hallway. "So, about that date?"

"Well, I really like horror, what about you?"

"Can get enough of it, but it scares Lentil stiff so I can never watch it." We went walking down the path, talking as we went.

"What's with all the nicknames?"

"Oh, it's kinda our thing. I'll respond to Asia, Autumn, Ghetto Girl, Brown, and Eye Shadow."

He raised an eyebrow. "All that?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

He shook his head slightly, giving it up. "Anyways, David told me they do midnight showings?"

"I love those, it's been forever since I saw one."

"You think your parents will let you with me?"

"Why not? As long as I sleep in the tree house so I don't wake them up, bring weapons and don't drink, they're cool."

"Tree house?" he inquired.

"That one back there," I replied, pointing behind me, "and make sure you stay friends with David."

"Sure, why?"

"He's Jenny's brother."

"He said his sister was named Jennifer..."

I laughed. "She is but she doesn't much like it."


I cut another vine; it was blocking the "exit". "Here we are," I stated, "On the beaten path."

"Thank you so much," Conner replied, walking off. I turned away ready to go back to my friends. "Oh and Avery," he called, drawing my eyes, "I'll pick you up at 11:45 this Friday."

"Fine by me!" I affirmed and we parted.


"You're going out with him? On a date?" Leena exclaimed in horror.

"Yeah, but we're just going to see a horror movie." I said, confused at why she was making a fuss.

"At midnight?"


"So? So? So, why not just wear matching T-shirts that say, 'We're a couple!' because that's what couples do!" she boomed.

"We're just going as friends... I think?" He hadn't actually mentioned if it was a real date, so I wasn't really lying to her.

Leena stuttered, outraged.

"Now, now Lentil, let's be happy for our friend who finally has a date," Jen smirked, "because someone needs to do her make-up and help her get dressed."

Leena brighten considerably at the chance to play doll with me, "Okay!" was the instant perky reply.

They laughed. "You do that," Jen said.

"Okay, I'm going to pretend I'm totally okay with becoming a glorified Barbie. Bye!" I got into my car as they yelled their goodbyes back.

I have to admit, I'm getting tired of writing Part 1:In a Darker Forest at the top of each chapter. From now on, I'm just going to assume that you are smart enough to know that it's Part 1. I'll give you notice when it's not. Perhaps, "IT'S FINALLY PART TWO!!!! YEAH, PARTY!" would do nicely?
Anyways, what y'all thinking? Let me know by commenting, voting, and eating cookies!

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