Chapter 22-Surgery

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A/N: I hate it when authors give up on books, so even though I don't do regular updates, just know that I definitely will be completing this book. I didn't really edit this chapter, and as always, feel free to give me some constructive criticism. I've never done a surgery, so I'm not quite sure how this works. This chapter is a little shorter than they usually are, but there are some things that were originally planned to be in this chapter that have been moved to the next one because I still need to figure some things out. Since I have a pretty good idea of the next chapter, it probably won't take as long - maybe one or two weeks.

Bella's POV

This was it. Today was the day of the surgery. I had finally agreed to it, but made it clear that it did not compensate for not turning me.

"Are you ready?" asked Edward.

I put on a brave smile. "Yes."

"Isabella Swan?" A nurse in blue scrubs inquired, scanning the waiting room.

"That's me." I called out to her, wheeling myself to the door, looking back to catch a glimpse of Edward before the door closed. Following the nurse, I entered a small room with white-washed walls, much of the space dominated by various machines. After briefly explaining the process to me, she helped me get of my wheelchair and lay down on the operating table, before injecting me with a liquid that made everything slowly fade away.

James's POV

Time to put part two into action. The thought brought a smile to his face. Part one was easy, and just a taste what was to come. Anyone could deliberately expose another person to pneumonia.

Part two was slightly more complicated. You would have to have some medical knowledge so you could mess up a surgery without killing the patient.

A door closed down the hall, causing James to look up. Bella's room was finally empty. Looking both ways, he slipped quietly into her room and fiddled with the devices to get the result he wanted. Finally satisfied, he slipped out a few seconds before the doctor came back in. Now all he had to do was wait. As he perched on the tree outside of her room, the rapidly increasing beeps of the heart monitor drifted out the window.

Renee's POV

I waited anxiously for news on Bella's surgery. Edward was sitting a little ways away, watching the comings and goings of strangers. If I didn't know better, I would think that he was a statue. 

After a few hours of waiting, a doctor came out, rifling through a folder, looking unsettled and reluctant. "Hello Mrs. Swan." The doctor greeted, approaching her. "There have been some . . . minor complications that affected the surgery time. You don't need to worry, it's just going to take a little longer then planned."

What complications? Is she going to be okay? I thought frantically. Instead of bombarding the doctor with the dozens of questions swirling in my mind, I only said, "When can she have visitors?" 

Consulting his clipboard, the doctor replied, "Possibly in an hour. We are still monitoring her condition to make sure she's stable first. We will inform you when she can have visitors." I just nodded feeling to overwhelmed to trust my voice.

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